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What professional and citizen journalists stand to gain from exposing judges' wrongdoing and advocating judicial reform

Dr. Richard Cordero

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What Professional and Citizen Journalists Stand to Gain From Investigating Two Unique National Stories of wrongdoing at the top of government: the attention of a growing outraged audience; credit for raising issues that dominate the mid-term, primary, and presidential election campaigns; and recognition for launching a civic movement that forces a new We the People-government relation where the masters assert their right to hold their public servants accountable and liable to them >ol:100

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By Dr. Richard Cordero, Esq.

Ph.D., University of Cambridge, England

M.B.A., University of Michigan Business School

D.E.A., La Sorbonne, Paris

Judicial Discipline Reform

New York City

A. Scandals based on abuse of discretionary power v. two unique national stories involving criminal wrongdoing for self-benefit

1. The national mood is one of distrust of government. From the failure to find WMD in Iraq, predatory home mortgage lending, the near financial collapse and massive unemployment, to the NSA, the VA, the IRS, the Benghazi, and the Fast and Furious scandals, the people have been given reasons to become distrustful.

2. However, in almost all of those instances only lower level public officers have been involved. Neither President Bush nor President Obama was directly involved or they made political decisions in the exercise of their discretionary judgment and their decisions, when impartially and fairly assessed, had some justification under the circumstances.

3. By contrast, the proposed President Obama-Justice Sotomayor story has the President as the main actor. His decision was knowing, voluntary, and lacked every justification:

4. He engaged in wrongdoing in self-interest. His co-wrongdoer is liable to an easy-to-meet standard of journalistic showing: She failed to “avoid even the appearance of impropriety”*>123a The scandal around her can lead to her precedented resignation(*>jur:92§d) and to the President’s gravest scandal.

* NOTE: All (parenthetical) and superscript blue text is references to supporting passages and footnotes, respectively, found in my study of the Federal Judiciary, Exposing Judges' Unaccountability and Consequent Riskless Wrongdoing: Pioneering the news and publishing field of judicial unaccountability reporting, at There the blue text represents active internal links that facilitate jumping to the corresponding references to check them.

i. The President Obama-Justice Sotomayor story & the Follow the money! investigation

Did the President know that his first Supreme Court nominee, Then-Judge, Now-Justice Sotomayor, was involved in both concealing assets –which The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Politico107a suspected her of doing, and which is done to commit the crimesol:5fn [10] of tax evasion107c and money laundering– and abusing the Federal Judiciary’s and/or the NSA’s computer network –see story ii. below–; but did the President cover it up and lie to the American public by vouching for her honesty because he wanted to ingratiate himself with those petitioning him to nominate another woman and the first Hispanic to replace Retiring Justice Souter and from whom he expected in exchange support for the passage of the Obamacare bill in Congress; and if so, when did he know it?(jur:4¶¶10-14)

This story can be pursued through the Follow the money! investigation(ol:1, 66). It can make a striking call on the President to release all the FBI vetting reports on J. Sotomayor and on her to request that she ask him to release them; that can set a precedent.

B. Detailed grounds(jur:65§B) for investigating J. Sotomayor for wrongdoing

5. Documents and actions that provide reasonable grounds for the journalistic investigation of J. Sotomayor:

a. The statements of financial affairs that Then-Judge Sotomayor filed publicly with the Senate Committee on Judicial Nominations, which show an earning-assets-liability mismatch pointing to her concealment of assets

b. The suspicion of The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Politico of her concealment of assets

c. Their suspicion of her having declared a much smaller cash out for her partnership in the high end boutique law firm of Pavia & Harcourt in New York City upon resigning it to become a federal district court judge

d. Her concealment from the Committee of the DeLano case, which she had presided over at the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals and that had gone on certiorari to the Supreme Court

e. Her participation as justice in concealment of assets, which is a continuing crime committed to avoid the self-incrimination attendant upon declaring up-to-now concealed assets

f. Her cover up in DeLano of a bankruptcy fraud scheme, run with the participation of a bankruptcy judge appointed by her 2nd Circuit peers

g. Her participation as member of the Judicial Council of the 2nd Circuit in the 100% denial of appeals from the 99.82% systematic dismissal without any investigation by her chief judge peers of misconduct complaints against her peers, including the bankruptcy judge in DeLano, whereby she too without authority and in self-interest abrogated in effect Congress’s Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980(jur:24§b)

h. Her participation in the systematic denial of petitions for en banc review by all the Circuit judges of their three-judge panel decisions, thus covering up her peers and her own wrong and wrongful decisions(jur:45§§2-3)

i. Her condonation of the wrongdoing of her peers in of spite her duty170b to expose it in order to safeguard the integrity of judicial process, of her Court, and of the Federal Judiciary, and in the self-interest of avoiding her denunciation prompting investigations that lead to finding her own wrongdoing or that motivate an investigatee to enter into a plea bargain agreement to provide incriminating information about his peers, including her, in exchange for leniency. (See a detailed investigation plan and leads at jur:102§4, ol:66.)

C. Trojan horse investigation to find judges and others in coordinated wrongdoing

6. The investigation of J. Sotomayor will lead to that of the circumstances enabling her wrongdoing and reveal the key one: wrongdoing coordination in government.

7. But for it, she could not have concealed assets. The President and others enabled her wrongdoing by looking the other way(jur: 88§§a-c) or participating in it or in other forms of wrongdoing for expediency(43§1), or material (213, 27§2), professional(169, 56§§e-f), and social benefits(62§g, a&p:1¶2nd). Their pervasive wrongdoing has become the Judiciary’s institutionalized modus operandi.

8. It abuses its technical means:

ii. The Federal Judiciary-NSA story and the Follow it wirelessly! investigation

To what extent do federal judges abuse their vast computer network and expertise –which handle hundreds of millions of case files(Lsch:11¶9b.ii)– either alone or with the quid pro quo assistance of the NSA –up to 100% of whose secret requests for secret surveillance orders are rubberstampedol:5fn7 by the federal judges of the secret court established under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)– both to conceal assets –a crimeol:5fn [10], unlike surveillance– by electronically transferring them between declared and hidden financial accounts(ol:1), and to cover up the judges’ wrongdoing by interfering with the communications –also a crime(ol:20¶¶11-12)– of would-be exposers and prevent them from joining forces to expose them?

(See the statistical analysis supporting the interference suspicionol:19§Dfn2.)

This story can be pursued through the Follow it wirelessly! investigation(ol:2; 69§C).

D. Ambitious journalists able to think strategically(Lsch:14§§2-3, ol:52§C; jur:xliv¶C)

9. If you are one of them:

a. investigate the two stories;

b. arrange for their presentation(ol:73) at law(Lsch:1, 21), journalism(ol:54; Lsch:23), business(104¶¶236-237), and IT(ol:42, 60) schools, and public interest(86§4) and political entities(ol: 52, 58) to

c. participate in the production of the documentary on judges’ wrongdoing and the need for judicial reform(ol:85), which can attract large audiences during the heated primary and presidential election campaigns, dominate the debate on public officers’ integrity and accountability to a national public ever more distrustful(ol:11), help…

d. launch a Watergate-like generalized media investigation(100§3) of the Federal Judiciary and its judges;

e. provoke national outrage(83§§2-3) that empowers the national public to

f. force politicians, lest they be voted out of, or not into, office, to conduct the first-ever investigation of the Federal Judiciary and to undertake meaningful judicial reform(158§§6-8);

g. spark a civic movement that leads the masters in ‘government of, by, and for the people’172 to force transparency(158§7) on all government operations and to practice ‘reverse surveillance’(Lsch:2) on all public officers, who are the people’s public servants, including judicial public servants, so as to enable the people to inform themselves(158§6) enough about the servants’ performance of their duties to hold(160§8) them accountable, disciplinable, and liable to compensate their victims(Lsch:10¶6), whereby a new We the People-government relation would emerge: the People’s Sunrise civic movement; and

h. you may be recognized as one of the People’s Champions of Justice and may earn any number of material and moral rewards(ol:3§F).

Dare trigger history!(jur:97§§1-2)…and you may enter it! >ol:115

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