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The BIGGEST court battle in decades goes to ...


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Jan. 2, 2014

Federal court calls NSA spying

on YOU 'unconstitutional'

And round one in the BIGGEST court battle in decades goes to ... the American people!

I have scored a HUGE victory over Hussein Obama's spy agency and need your strong financial support to finish the job at the Supreme Court:

You see, my vitally important lawsuits against the NSA spy scheme implemented by the fake president Barack Hussein Obama (AS HE IS NOT A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN EVEN ELIBIBLE TO BE PRESIDENT AT REQUIRED BY THE CONSTITUTION) scored a major win just days ago when U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon ruled that the massive data collection by Hussein Obama's NSA Getapo-like storm troopers "unconstitutional."

No court has ever ruled for the American people against the NSA before Judge Leon's injunction against the spy agency, ordering them to stop their spying on your most intimate communications. We owe the judge a great debt of gratitude as he has taken action to protect us all. In so doing, he made reference to our Founding Fathers like James Madison and the principles of which the nation was founded. Obama and his NSA will now appeal this decision all the way to the Supreme Court and with your strong financial support I am confident we will defeat them and preserve Judge Leon's ruling so it will have full force and effect to protect us all. But a lot of hard work and its attendant expense of winning this battle is ahead of us. The stakes are very high and that's why I need to the strong financial support of all patriots now. We cannot allow Obama and his NSA to have us live in what is in effect a KGB-Soviet/Chinese style police state.

You can help me fight Obama's NSA here.

The private information from cell phone calls, internet and social media usage Obama's NSA is invading and accessing is being used to target YOU as an "enemy of the state" who must be coerced, blackmailed and enslaved to keep you down in order that Obama can socialize our nation without opposition. What the court ordered stop is this "Orwellian" KGB Soviet/Chinese style police state, where the government can invade your most private communications with impunity and use this information to destroy you and your loved ones. This is a way, as described in George Orwell's famous book "1984," to enslave us to a wicked government that wants to control our lives and thinks and acts as if it were our God. BUT THE GOVERNMENT IS NOT OUR GOD, AND WE MUST DEFEAT IT BY PUSHING FORWARD TO TOTALLY END THIS ILLEGAL SPYING BY TAKING OUR GREAT VICTORY ALL THE WAY TO THE SUPREME COURT.

That's why it's SO IMPORTANT that WE win these critical lawsuits against the NSA to end the Obama threat to your rights, liberty, and even your very freedom. If Obama and the NSA win, ALL of your constitutional rights will disappear, and you could in effect end up a slave in whaT, AFTER FIVE YEARS OF LIVING UNDER HIS DESPOTIC RULE, would most likely be a Marxist/Muslim sympathizing dictatorship!

While other conservative lawyers sit around and talk about the crimes being committed daily by Obama's NSA, I'm taking action. Our groundbreaking class action suits in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C. to force Hussein Obama and his socialist comrades to end their unconstitutional attacks on your rights and liberty has scored its first major victory and the biggest victory in the history of litigation against the government.

I've taken on and defeated Presidents in the past ... as you know, I am the ONLY lawyer EVER to have a court rule that a sitting President -- Bill Clinton! -- had committed a crime!

And now I'm the ONLY lawyer EVER to have a court rule that Obama's NSA spy machine is violating the Constitution!

But Barack Hussein Obama -- the Marxist-Muslim sympathizing TYRANT who illegally sits in the Oval office -- isn't giving up without a fight. That's why I need your URGENT, strong support today to deliver the knockout blow to "King Barack" and his criminal "Big Brother" enterprise, the National Security Agency (NSA).

I must continue to take decisive action against the NSA and its illegal spying on YOU on behalf of the Marxist/Muslim sympathizing Obama who illegally "reigns" like a king from the White House.

And your strong, urgent, generous support is needed to see this vital case against the foreign-born tyrant -- Hussein Obama -- and his NSA thugs all the way through to victory. We MUST win to thwart Obama's long-dreamed-of Marxist/Muslim dictatorship that will in effect enslave you, me, and all of America forever!

My friend, I can't begin to tell you just how big a victory this ruling is. In fact, it's SO BIG that it's all over the news right now ... CNN, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Huffington Post, CBS, NBC ... you name it, and they're all talking about this ground shaking, nation saving case.

Of course, the leftist media isn't happy. That was obvious when CNN's Obama supporter Don Lemon viciously smeared me in a personal attack just before I appeared on his TV news program to talk about my huge huge win.

What's more, the network's so called "legal analyst," Jeffrey Toobin, even branded me a "lunatic" for defending YOUR rights from the Obama/NSA assault on your constitutional rights!

These ultra-leftists – who have very sordid pasts and who prop up Obama -- are mad with rage because Judge Leon's ruling exposes their "Dear Leader" -- who is just as evil as among the worst dictators in history like Joseph Stalin, and Mao tse Tung -- as the tyrant he is. That's because he's engaged in the indiscriminate, massive, and arbitrary invasion of YOUR life and mine through the NSA's high-tech collection and retention of personal, private information that he simply has no business invading. Its as if we all have been raped by Hussein Obama's government.

So we have sent a message to Obama and his enabling comrades that there will be serious consequences if the NSA continues to violate the rights of 300 million Americans.

This is the BIGGEST legal case EVER against the government ... and YOUR PARTNERSHIP with me ending this unconstitutional outrage is crucial. No one on Capitol Hill has the guts to actually do what we have done. Our representatives only talk but they do not act. Together, we will rise up and save our republic. We will preserve freedom on our shores and we must do it for ourselves and our loved ones. The government, on both sides of the aisle, is largely corrupt and unwilling to upset the apple cart which makes both political parties rich, fat and happy.

It is for this reason, I must ramp up support from committed patriots like you so we can carry this NSA lawsuit all the way to victory at the U.S. Supreme Court. It's critical that we not let the Marxist- Muslim sympathizing Hussein Obama snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.

My friend, I must ask you today for the best, strongest, most urgent gift you can give to protect and preserve our freedoms.

Every dollar you send is desperately needed to fend off the attacks of Obama, his sympathizers like CNN's Lemon and Toobin, and of course the NSA. While he has the deep pockets of taxpayer-funded government lawyers doing his dirty work in court, I depend on sacrificial gifts from patriots, like you, who love and cherish our country.

We MUST be prepared, and properly funded, to take this case to the next level. King Barack and his conspirators won't sit idly by ... they'll do everything they can to defeat We the People so the NSA can continue its illegal, unconstitutional spying on YOU and YOUR LOVED ONES so the citizens will be too scared, coerced and intimidated and will not challenge Obama's attempt to turn our nation into a socialist state.

And eventually, if Hussein Obama wins, you could find yourself living as a slave in what is in effect his dreamed of leftist socialist dictatorship -- ruled by King Barack and his possible successors like Hillary Clinton.

I need you to give like never before. Your financial and prayer support, coupled with our grit and determination is the key to winning this case that will STOP the Gestapo-like storm troopers at Hussein Obama's NSA, and return America to the path of moral, fiscal, and national sanity and freedom.

Our class action lawsuits will force Hussein Obama and his collaborators to end their outrageous domestic spying program in which they search YOUR phone records, emails, social media and all of YOUR private information for any "evidence" they can find to use against you. This spying is not for the legitimate purpose of combatting terrorism, but went and is going far beyond what is legally and constitutionally permissible. Obama and his henchmen at the NSA are spying on all of us, without regard to whether any of us are in contact with terrorists. This is illegal and unconstitutional. We WILL win, but only with your continued help.

These lawsuits are expensive. We need funds for lawyers, legal staff, depositions, research and more as the case faces the government's inevitable appeal. So I'm asking you to continue standing with me as we defeat Hussein Obama and the NSA, once and for all. We must do this to take back our God-ordained, constitutionally-protected rights that are disappearing each and every day at the hands of Hussein Obama, the tyrant in the White House. If King George III had had Obama's NSA at his disposal, our Founding Fathers' communications would have been intercepted, and they would have been arrested, imprisoned and executed before they ever arrived in Philadelphia to declare independence on July 4, 1776.

Without your support, I fear our great country will pass the point of no return as Obama and his ultra-leftist anti-Judeo-Christian or atheist socialist allies in and out of government shove the U.S. Constitution into the White House paper shredder!

But our class actions suit against Hussein Obama and the NSA will stop his anti-American plans dead in their tracks. Please send the very best, urgent, strong gift you can, today.

Don't let America down ... our nation needs your urgent, strong support today. Please let me hear from you right away!

For America's freedom and continued existence as a sovereign, independent nation,

Larry Klayman, Esquire

P.S. My friend, our class action lawsuits against Obama's NSA is the BIGGEST case against the government ... ever! Your strong and urgent support is desperately needed today. Please give us the needed tools to build on this great court victory, and take this case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. We MUST win this case and stop the Obama/NSA attack on your rights and mine. Please let me hear from you right away!




Yes, Larry, I'm with you in this vital battle to stop Hussein Obama and his thugs at the NSA from spying on me, my loved ones, and all patriotic Americans.

Click here to help fight the NSA!