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Join me in court to strike down ObamaCare

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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Jan. 25, 2013

Please mark these dates on your prayer calendar: February 27 and May 14-17, 2013. These days may well signal the beginning of the end of ObamaCare.  
Please see my important update below – Mat.        
On November 26, 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court directed the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals to rehear Liberty Counsel’s case against the grossly misnamed Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, better known as ObamaCare.  
We have now learned that Liberty Counsel's extensive brief on Liberty University v. Geithner is due February 27, and oral argument will occur the week of May 14-17, 2013. I am gratified that we now have a court schedule and the path to ending ObamaCare’s implementation is more defined. 
Time is of the essence to block the ObamaCare mandate from colliding with the free exercise of religion. July 1 is the date for many annual insurance plan renewals and that is when the forced abortion funding mandate will hit the largest number of America’s employers. 
Our case challenges the “employer mandate” along with the forced funding of abortion in both the employer and individual mandates.  It is the most comprehensive of the many lawsuits that have been filed to stop ObamaCare’s outrageous provisions on behalf of companies and institutions.
Why is this case so crucially important to every American?  Because ObamaCare is a gross offense against our constitutional liberties!  It is massively destructive of our basic freedoms.
As you may recall, the original Amici Book (Latin for “Book of Friends”) eventually contained the names of over 100,000 friends who committed to pray for the Liberty Counsel litigation team as we faced off against the United States Attorney General’s lawyers in the summer of 2011. 
I am certain that through the faithful prayers of the people in the original Amici Book, miracles began happening!  
In the months following that hearing, a series of unlikely decisions by the courts have positioned Liberty Counsel’s lawsuit against ObamaCare as the most comprehensive and mature such case in the federal legal system.   
As a signer of our all-new Amici book, you know how important this book is to all of us. 
Please consider helping us by taking two more actions. Because our lawsuit against ObamaCare is so vital to our nation, please make a special gift to help us in the high cost of fighting ObamaCare while continuing our other litigation efforts.  
Please, click here to make a special gift:
Then, would you consider forwarding the message below to 10-20 pro-liberty Americans who you feel might like to participate in our efforts to strike down ObamaCare?  
As always, my team and I are humbled that we have such a strong foundation of support in thoughtful patriots like you! THANK YOU for continuing to be a key member of the Liberty Counsel team!
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
Please forward the message below:
Dear Friend,
have added my name to Liberty Counsel’s “Amici Book” (Book of Friends) to show my solidarity with them in their fight to rid the nation of ObamaCare in court.  
Liberty Counsel has the most comprehensive lawsuit against ObamaCare in the nation – and they will be in Federal Court against it this spring! 
Please read Attorney Mat Staver’s message below and consider joining with me in adding your name to their book. 
God bless you,
(Your Name)
Liberty Counsel
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Please mark these dates on your prayer calendar: February 27 and May 14-17, 2013. These days may well signal the beginning of the end of ObamaCare.  
Please see my important update below – Mat.
On November 26, 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court directed the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals to rehear Liberty Counsel’s case against the grossly misnamed Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, better known as ObamaCare.  
We have now learned that Liberty Counsel's extensive brief on Liberty University v. Geithner is due February 27, and oral argument will occur the week of May 14-17, 2013. I am gratified that we now have a court schedule and the path to ending ObamaCare’s implementation is more defined. 
Time is of the essence to block the ObamaCare mandate from colliding with the free exercise of religion. July 1 is the date for many annual insurance plan renewals and that is when the forced abortion funding mandate will hit the largest number of America’s employers. 
Our case challenges the “employer mandate” along with the forced funding of abortion in both the employer and individual mandates.  It is the most comprehensive of the many lawsuits that have been filed to stop ObamaCare’s outrageous provisions on behalf of companies and institutions.
Why is this case so crucially important to every American?  Because ObamaCare is a gross offense against our constitutional liberties!  It is massively destructive of our basic freedoms.
As my legal team and I work through our precise strategy to rid the nation of the scourge of ObamaCare, we all agree that we want to enter this historic showdown at the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in May with tangible evidence of the massive prayer support we are getting!
Our all-new Amici Book, filled with the names of many tens of thousands of friends of Liberty Counsel, will accompany us throughout the court battle to derail ObamaCare once and for all! 
And the fact is, we can’t win this battle without Divine intervention and the Lord’s presence throughout the entire process. That’s why I’m urging you to sign your prayer commitment right away:
As you may recall, the original Amici Book (Latin for “Book of Friends”) eventually contained the names of over 100,000 friends who committed to pray for the Liberty Counsel litigation team as we faced off against the United States Attorney General’s lawyers in the summer of 2011. 
I am certain that through the faithful prayers of the people in the original Amici Book, miracles began happening!  
In the months following that hearing, a series of unlikely decisions by the courts have positioned Liberty Counsel’s lawsuit against ObamaCare as the most comprehensive and mature such case in the federal legal system.   
I know you agree that Barack Obama’s healthcare “reform” law is a significant threat to personal liberty and one of the most dangerous pieces of legislation ever to come out of the United States Congress. 
That’s why I want your name included in this book when I walk into that courtroom in May!  
Please click here now to add your name:  
The Amici Book has a single purpose: To strengthen our litigation team and me in the knowledge that we are undergirded by the prayers and support of tens of thousands of friends like you! 
Once the new Amici Book is published, it will accompany our legal materials at the Counsel’s Table in court and in an appropriate place of honor in one of Liberty Counsel’s principal offices when we are not in court on this historic issue. 
My entire team and I have been deeply touched by the overwhelmingly positive response we have received from friends signing the Amici Book.  In just a few days, more than 55,000 concerned Americans have moved forward to stand with us and pray for our success.
It has been a deeply humbling experience to receive this outpouring of support and it has caused us to want to find an appropriate way to express our appreciation.
I would be honored if you would stand with me and be included in the Amici Book. Please go here to sign the Book and join us in delivering the nation from ObamaCare:   
More than anything else, Liberty Counsel’s new Amici Book (the concept is called a “Book of Remembrance” in the Bible – see especially the Lord’s preparation of a book of Believers as described in Malachi 3:16) is a way of allowing YOU to be literally present and part of our efforts to STOP ObamaCare before it is too late!
Please don’t miss this opportunity to be counted among those faithful friends in the Amici Book:
God bless you! 
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. Please mark these dates on your prayer calendar: February 27 and May 14-17, 2013. Let me know you are praying for the success of our case against this outrageous healthcare “reform” bill by signing the Amici Book!  Again, thank you and God bless you!
More information on our case against ObamaCare can be found at
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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776