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Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel

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Dec. 15, 2012

From:  Liberty Counsel
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Re:  Amici Book (Book of Friends)
I am praying that at least 100,000 Liberty Counsel team members like you will join me in the federal appeals court room in early 2013 as, together, we work to strike down ObamaCare.  See my very important message below – Mat. 
 Dear concerned citizen,
THANKS BE TO GOD, who heard our prayers and orchestrated a miraculous chain of events that is sending rumblings throughout the nation’s legal system, we have another chance to take down ObamaCare in the judiciary! 
I will once again be arguing in federal court on behalf of tens of millions of Americans who want to keep ObamaCare’s socialist mandate from doing irreparable damage to our nation. 
Because of a remarkable Supreme Court ruling granting a rehearing of Liberty University et al v. Geithner, our case against ObamaCare, I will be delivering oral argument before the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia, contending that mandates in the misnamed “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” are completely unconstitutional!
Congress has clearly exceeded its power by forcing every employer to provide federally mandated insurance. But even more shocking is the abortion mandate, which collides with constitutional guarantees of religious freedom and rights of conscience. 
Also in question is whether the First Amendment’s Free Exercise of Religion Clause and the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) have been violated by both the employer and the individual “abortion mandate” that has come into focus during ObamaCare’s implementation.
As much as the media has positioned ObamaCare as President Obama’s “crowning first-term achievement,” we know that the law was only passed by sleight-of-hand legislative manipulation, backroom deals, and outright bribery. 
That’s why the legal battle against ObamaCare is among the most historic pieces of litigation ever fought in the United States federal courts.  And Liberty Counsel’s lawsuit is now at the forefront of all judicial efforts to have the law overturned! 
I believe our lawsuit is now America’s best hope to end the federal takeover of our healthcare system and its deadly impact on our culture.
++You can play a pivotal role in derailing Obamacare.
I would be honored if you would stand with me, the Liberty Counsel Litigation Team, and tens of thousands of your fellow patriotic Americans who REFUSE to allow the Left to turn America into just another second-rate socialist state!
To make this possible, we are compiling an all-new “Amici Book,” which is Latin for “Book of Friends.”  
I’m asking you to join with at least 100,000 of our faithful Liberty Counsel team members in signing the Amici Book for our renewed case against ObamaCare, which I will place at our Counsel’s Table…. directly across from Attorney General Eric Holder’s team from the Department of Justice (DOJ)!
This way, you can be with me in that federal courtroom!
Please take a moment right now to sign the Amici Book and declare that you will personally stand with me in the daunting challenge of taking on the Obama administration and the Department of Justice:
I believe it was the prayers of the first 100,000 Amici Book signers that made our renewed case possible! 
Looking back over many years of fighting in court for liberty, life, and family, I know that my most successful court presentations have come when I knew I was undergirded by the prayers and support of tens of thousands of friends like you. 
This knowledge (and especially the prayers!) have given me strength and encouragement during the intense preparations and the all-important presentation of our case before the judge or panel of judges.
That is what the Amici Book will do for me and the other members of our litigation team in this battle, as well.  Please click here to add your name today…
++We have no choice but fighting with all of our might!
As you know, this outrageous law is actually the complete socialization of our nation’s medical system.  It MUST be stopped before it destroys our medical services industry, makes taxpayer-funded abortion a permanent part of our culture, and bankrupts our already weakened economy.
Together, we can STOP this outrageous government takeover of the world’s most advanced healthcare industry. Together, we can save America from being turned into just another second-class socialist state!
Signing our Amici Book will unite you in Liberty Counsel’s cause of defeating an unprecedented expansion of federal power and the outrageous imposition of ObamaCare’s unconstitutional mandates. 
Since the start of this battle against ObamaCare, I have depended upon you and my Liberty Counsel team in many important ways. My litigation team and I are thrilled that we have such a strong foundation of support in you and those like you! 
Will you stand with me and my team in this special way?
Please, send Liberty Counsel into this historic courtroom battle with your prayers, support, and this tangible evidence of your ever-present encouragement!  Click here to sign Liberty Counsel’s powerful new Amici Book:
THANK YOU for all you do, and have done, as a key member of the Liberty Counsel team!
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. Please join me in the courtroom by signing our Amici Book (meaning, as I have mentioned, “Book of Friends”).  Please let me know you support our case against this outrageous healthcare law.  Again, thank you and God bless you!