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States Are Issuing Lock Downs, How Is Yours Affected?


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March 21, 2020

States across the country are moving to lockdown public areas and restrict travel as a result of the Wuhan coronavirus. Both Blue States and their red counterparts are being affected by these decisions to help ensure the safety of their residents during this unpredictable time. Here are the states involved thus far and their varying degrees of lockdown:

Things will change as time marches on. Be aware of what orders your governors have given.

How Long Will This Last?

Dbenbenn, Zscout370, Jacobolus, Indolences, Technion via Wikimedia Commons

States across the country are moving to lockdown public areas and restrict travel as a result of the Wuhan coronavirus. Both Blue States and their red counterparts are being affected by these decisions to help ensure the safety of their residents during this unpredictable time. Here are the states involved thus far and their varying degrees of lockdown:

Things will change as time marches on. Be aware of what orders your governors have given.


(Many States are listed—not in alphabetical order)