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U.S. Courts

Tom Metzger

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Sept. 4, 2012

Going on and on about courts and court decisions is to show no real understanding of courts.Its the enemies domain completely. Even Jefferson said "THE SUPREME COURT IS MADE UP OF 9 OLD MEN THAT CAN DECIDE ANYTHING MEANS ANYTHING" .


Federal courts are for one thing. Protect the state from the people at all costs. California is a good example as every referendum that might serve the White Race is always struck down by the 9th circuit federal Court in S.F.


If you look at the Government or the courts as anything less than organized crime you will never understand. Read a  Lysander Spooner  ESSAY ON TRIAL BY JURY. If the people weren't so stupid and cowardly they would nullify every trial in every court that did not serve the common interest.


Instead of arguing the fine points of Talmudic Law the people should be burning down the system courtrooms.

