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Washington County budget meeting

William Meyers

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Nov. 16, 2011

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The above video is a perfect example of how a few, properly placed low-I.Q.-types, will, and do run roughshod over anyone perceived as a challenge to their tyranny, and power base. The video also manages to articulate the systemic, institutionalized subterfuge, by calling out numerous contradictions, and inconsistencies amongst the various bottom feeders.
Please give this video wide circulation and exposure, so that folks can see how government operates on a local level nowadays, because by no means is this a isolated case. Multiply this instance by around 20,000, and you start to get a sense of just how corrupt things have gotten, from the top down, bottom up. 
At this particular moment in time in America, all government is corrupt, across the board, no exceptions -- it is a snake pit filled full of liars and selfish pricks who have zero concern for the people. 
I don't think it inaccurate to say that "There are no men of honor, principal and courage left in any government post, and those that do carry those traits, outside of government, that decide to get involved on a local level to correct wrongs, are quickly dispensed with outright, or isolated. . . thus neutered.  

Democracy under siege in Washington County Wisconsin
by William Meyers
Washington County Board held a rare evening meeting to approved County's $118 million budget.  When Supervisor Mark McCune's tried to introduce his $1,000,000 budget cut amendment, County Board Chairman Herbert Tennies found McCune out of order refusing to let him speak.  The Chairman then refused to allow an amendment citing HIS authority to make up rules.  A motion was made to allow the Board to vote on the Chairman's decision.   Supervisor William Meyers, Richfield said, "The U.S. Constitution Article 1, Section VIII established the rule of law over the rule of any man.  You don't get to just make up the rules, Mr. Chairman."  To which the Chairman responded, "Yes, I do!" Read the full Press Release here.
19 of the 30 Supervisors agreed and voted in favor of the Chairman, making Washington County the first Hugo Chavez style republic in Wisconsin.  With this vote, the narrative of a functioning democracy is no longer allowed. Under Tennies, Washington County now will only allow dissent so long as those dissenters agree with the Chairman.
Supervisor Mike Bassill, West Bend said, "This action sets a dangerous precedent for the future."  One Supervisor, who asked to remain unnamed, stated, "Meyers is the real problem here.  You need to go along to get along.  He won't do that!"
Video of the meeting is available by contacting Mike Ryan, West Bend Community Television Coordinator, (262)335-5157,  Additional information is available by contacting W-C3 at or by calling 262.628.2940. 

Democracy under seige in Washington County government - County Supervisor William Meyers today called upon County Board Chairman Herbert Tennies to withdraw new rules barring amendments to the County Budget without the Chairman's advance approval. These same rules were voted down by the Washington County Executive Committee in April 2011 so the Chairman has decided to grant himself new powers arbitrarily.
IF the new rules are not withdrawn, Supervisor Meyers has requested an agenda item for the November 3, 2011 7:00pm public hearing/budget meeting of the County Board so all Supervisors can vote for or against giving the Chairman dictatorial powers. Read the memo ... here.
Meet and Greet at Cabela's - 9/10 from 3:00 to 5:00pm - With the new district maps, many areas in the County will have new State Representatives. Come to Cabela's and meet Rep. Pat Strachota, Dan Knodl, Don Pridemore and Dan LeMahieu.
Richfield Roundabout just plain silly. Read the letter to the Editor ... here
State Supreme Court tosses out Dane County Judge Sumi's ruling - WisPolitics
County Board Votes for Gerrymandered Redistricting Map - The public hearing on the new districts May 16, 2011 got only one speaker, Randy Meyer, Alderman, from Hartford. Disenfranchised voters in Richfield, Hartford and West Bend stayed away ... more
County Redistricting Map - This is a whopper 3mb download but you can see the proposed new districts. Download it here. A public hearing on the new districts is May 16, 2011 7:00pm at the County Government Center. Map to the meeting is here.
County Sales Tax Renewed for 6 more years - A Resolution passed to extend the County sales tax. Read about it here.
County Supervisor Meyers to not run for re-election - Supervisor Meyers, one of only 3 conservatives on the 30 member Board, ...more.
County Votes to delete unfilled jobs - Thanks to a strong push from conservative County Supervisor McCune, a Resolution passed to delete empty jobs from County roles. Read about it here.
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