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Mat Stave

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Do you realize we just witnessed a first in the history of America? The sitting president of the United States addressed the March for Life and delivered a powerful defense and policy statement for the unborn and born-alive children in America. It brings tears to the eyes.


Remember, in all the work we do and the battles we face, at the core of this battle is the fight for and against God. A key part of this battle is the fight for the sanctity of human life made in God's image.


Mark this historic day. May we fight for the unborn who will die today and those who have died and will die, and may we never get weary.


We have worked very closely with Rep. Steve Scalise and his office. Today he pleaded with people at the March for Life to encourage Representatives and Senators to support the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.


Add your voice to those in person in D.C. today by sending a fax to the legislators we have hand-picked as most likely to change their vote to support this act. We just need 19 more legislators to stop this radical murder across our nation. - Mat




Today we made history! President Trump stood on the stage and advocated, even demanded, that Congress pass the Born-Alive Act on national television! And Liberty Counsel Action was right there! Even up on the same stage, after President Trump had finished his remarks.


This is your moment. We have been fighting tirelessly for these little children, intentionally born alive for the purpose of harvesting their organs. We have been working behind the scenes with the White House and legislators across D.C. to bring our nation to today.


Will you send an urgent fax right now to give a clear message that America will no longer tolerate the murder of our own children? 

Please take a few minutes to hear a gripping speech on the steps of the United States Supreme Court this week from our Senior Counsel for Governmental Affairs. You don’t want to miss his powerful address.

Groups like Planned Parenthood have spent DECADES brutally murdering these little babies both inside and outside the womb. Now is the time to use this momentum to push U.S. Senators and Representatives to pass the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, right now.


Justice will not come to us. We must rise up and demand it. Help the needed 19 additional U.S. legislators change their minds and support this bill. Now is the moment to push across this finish line by sending an urgent fax to our targeted legislators demanding justice.

There is evidence on our page ( that the systematic murder of preborn and newborns for their organs has been going on for more than 20 years.


But you and I can stand up and face these giants right now, and together we can make a change. We are speaking the truth up and down the halls of Congress. If you haven’t already, I urge you to sign our petition.


It breaks my heart to consider each life lost and the precious innocent blood that is crying out from American soil. And every member of my team is just as deeply dedicated to winning this fight!


Please consider a monthly donation to our organization or a one-time gift to help demand justice for these little ones. We appreciate your prayers and help spreading the truth.


For Justice, 

Mat Staver


P.S. This battle belongs to the Lord. While the evil of killing babies and harvesting their organs has been going on for decades, now is the time to make this stop. I hope that as a nation, we will rise up to protect these newborns’ right to life. Send a fax today to urge Congress to immediately protect these little ones. Or sign our petition to leaders in Congress if you haven’t already.


If you are able, please donate. Your support enables our efforts to fight for these lives. Then help us spread the word about the dangerous blockade against this bill by sending this email to your friends.



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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.


Liberty Counsel Action

PO Box 540629

Orlando, FL 32854
