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Nancy Pelosi Issued A Threat To Donald Trump That She Will Live To Regret

Kelly Walsh

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Nancy Pelosi just stepped on a political landmine.

The Speaker of the House stood in front of the press and no one could believe the words that came out of her mouth.

That’s because Pelosi issued a threat to Donald Trump she will live to regret.

Pelosi and the Democrats originally said they would negotiate border wall funding when Trump agreed to reopen the government.

The President took them at their word.

But the Democrats lied.

On the first day of negotiations for the House and Senate conference committee, the Democrats unveiled their opening bid.

They offered zero dollars for the wall.

President Trump reacted to this news on social media.

The President tweeted, “Republicans on the Homeland Security Committee are wasting their time. Democrats, despite all of the evidence, proof and Caravans coming, are not going to give money to build the DESPERATELY needed WALL. I’ve got you covered. Wall is already being built, I don’t expect much help!”

A few hours later, Nancy Pelosi took to the podium for her weekly press conference.

The Speaker of the House used the occasion to draw a line in the sand even further and said the President would not get any wall money under any circumstances.

“There’s not going to be any wall money in the legislation,” Pelosi declared.

But Donald Trump got the last word.

The President invited reporters from the New York Times to the White House so he could deliver a clear message to Pelosi – he was building the wall one way or another.

“I think Nancy Pelosi is hurting our country very badly by doing what’s she doing and, ultimately, I think I’ve set the table very nicely,” the President stated.

Trump then made it clear he was seriously considering declaring a national emergency and ordering the military to build the wall.

“I’ve set the table. I’ve set the stage for doing what I’m going to do,” Trump declared.

Trump laments the fact that the Democrats do not want to deal.

But the President believes the wall is a matter of great national importance.

“I’ve actually always gotten along with her, but now I don’t think I will any more,” President Trump explained. “I think she’s doing a tremendous disservice to the country. If she doesn’t approve the wall, the rest of it’s just a waste of money and time and energy because it’s desperately needed.

Trump closed the interview with his typical flair for the dramatics.

“I’ll continue to build the wall, and we’ll get the wall finished,” the President concluded. “Now whether or not I declare a national emergency — that you’ll see.”

The federal government’s number one job is to secure the country from foreign threats.

Border patrol agents apprehend 400,000 illegal aliens each year attempting to cross the Southern border.

That is an invasion.

And if that isn’t a national emergency, then many Americans are clueless.