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See the Walls Democrats Actually Support


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  • 2019-02-01
  • Source: AAN
  • by: AAN Staff

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Last night, Fox News' Tucker Carlson eviscerated Democrats over their hypocrisy on border security and duplicity when droning on about the supposed immorality of walls. 

Carlson then methodically ticked off prominent walls across the world that liberals justify, excuse, condone, and, gasp – even support.

I wonder if their opposition to the proposed U.S.-Mexico barrier has anything to do with President Trump (wink, wink).

Here are the walls liberals surprisingly have no problem with.

Click through to see them all and help American Action News share the Left's hypocrisy.



1.) Tunisia Border Barrier

  • 2019-02-01
  • Source: AAN
  • by: AAN Staff

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The construction of an anti-terror barrier between Tunisia and Libya begin in earnest after the Obama administration launched a shortsighted campaign to topple Libyan Dictator Muammar Gaddafi. The resulting power vacuum sparked chaos and led to the rise of the Islamic State there.

After two large terror attacks shook the capital city of Tunis, the Tunisian government erected a concrete wall, observation towers, and an imposing trench along its 125-mile border with Libya.

With bipartisan support from Congress, the Department of Defense spent $20 million installing electronic surveillance to stem the flow of militants, drugs, firearms, and yes – illegal immigrants from Libya.

Beginning in the Obama administration, American advisers have provided Tunisia with heavy weapons, state of the art defense tech, and specialized counter-terrorism training.



3.) Israel's Border Walls

  • 2019-02-01
  • Source: AAN
  • by: AAN Staff

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Despite the election of Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) last November, the majority of the Democratic Caucus says its strongly pro-Israel.

There's evidence to back their claim.

Arguably no other border in the world is as fraught with peril as Israel's. The sole Democracy at the epicenter of the Middle East's geopolitical fault lines early on took a no-nonsense approach to border security – utilizing physical barriers and modern technology – with the praise of Republicans and Democrats alike.

Their wall, which in most cases is actually a closely monitored fence, effectively ended the Second Intifada.

After the barrier's completion, suicide bombings dropped from 73 in the West Bank (between 2000 and July 2003) to 12 (from August 2003 to the end of 2006).




4.) Pakistan's Fence

  • 2019-02-01
  • Source: AAN
  • by: AAN Staff

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The Pakistani government erected a fence along its porous border with Afghanistan to combat terrorism, drug smuggling, and illegal immigration.

Although foreign aid from America ceased in 2018, for 17 years the United States reimbursed Pakistan by the billion for counter-terrorism operations in addition to paying the operating costs of the Pakistan military where it fought the Taliban and al-Qaeda. 

American officials scrutinizing the payments later estimated up to 70 percent of U.S. financial assistance was misspent. 

Despite this malfeasance, we couldn't find a single Democrat who spoke out against Pakistan's decision to defend its sovereignty.



5.) Denmark (Seriously)

  • 2019-02-01
  • Source: AAN
  • by: AAN Staff

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Days ago, Denmark began erecting a 43-mile barrier along its border with Germany.

All to stop wild boars.

The invasive species spreads African swine fever (deadly to the tiny country's 12 million pigs) and causes extensive damage to agriculture.

Since the barrier only discriminates against feral hogs, it passes the Democrats' latest mortality test. 

However, environmentalists remain skeptical.