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California State Senator Makes Attorney General Inquiry into "Sedition" After Remarks of Fellow Senator and Speaker of California Assembly aired on Hal Turner Show

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ial request by California State Senator Bill Morrow to the State Attorney General as to whether sedition or treason is being committed against California!

In a letter dated April 6, 2006, Senator Morrow cites the Aztlan and "reconquista" movements and tells the State Attorney General "Information from pro-reconquista sources indicates that that the high rate of illegal alien influx appears to be a principal lynchpin of the reconquista strategy. Thus, encouraging and facilitating illegal entry by illegal aliens is directly tied to the greater strategy of the potential overthrow of the State of California and other states."

During the April 5, Hal Turner Show, audio clips from California State Senator Joe Baca and the Speaker of the California State Assembly Fabian Nunez were played. In those clips, Senator Baca stated latinos were in "civil war" and Speaker Nunex told rally attendees "you can be as revolutionary as you want." Nunex went on tto tell attendees "you can believe in the concept of Aztlan."

Aztlan is the mythical homeland of the Aztecs and according to the "reconquista" movement, it encompases United States territory running from the Texas-Lousiana border, northwest to Washington State!

By their words, both Senator Baca and Speaker Nunez seen to be participating in or encouraging the taking of sovereign U.S. territory for the creation of a new country.

These remarks prompted Senator Morrow to inquire in his letter to the California Attorney General as follows:

"3. Government Code 18200 states: A person shall not be knowingly employed by any state agency or court who either directly or indirectly carries on, advocates, teaches, justifies, aids, or abets a program of sabotage, force and violence, sedition, or treason against the Government of the United States or of this state. Any person employed by any state agency or court shall be immediately discharged from his employment when it becomes known to his appointing power that he has, during the period of his employment, committed any such act. Money appropriated from the treasury shall not be expended to compensate any person whose employment is forbidden by this section.

Is it your opinion that such disqualifying activities would be prohibited whether they occurred on the job or off the job?"

During his April 5 radio show, Hal Turner pointed out that there is no political will to confront the issue of illegal immigration because Democrats view illegal aliens as easy votes and Republicans view illegal aliens as cheap labor. Turner went on to point out that federal law PROHIBITS county Boards of election from verifying citizenship of anyone who registers to vote, and as such, very many illegal aliens do, in fact, vote!

This apparently prompted Senator Morrow to ask the Californa Attorney General the following:

2. Are the registrars of voters in all of California’s 58 counties ensuring that they have procedures in place for identifying valid voters so that illegal aliens are prevented from casting illegal ballots?

Senator Morrow's letter also covers activites in California Schools and the involvement of those schools in the immigration protests.

Most ominously for his fellow Senator and the Speaker of the California Assembly, Senator Morrow's letter asks the Attorney General the following:

6. If you were presented with a body of clear and compelling evidence that persons, including American citizens, have been engaging over time in advocating the overthrow of the State of California by unlawful means, including illegal entry into the State of California by illegal aliens and voting by illegal aliens, would you prosecute those matters?

Will California Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez and California State Senator Joe Baca face removal for Sedition? Will organizers of the recent illegal alien protests face investigation for Conspiracy to overthrow government through illegal immigration? No one has yet answered these questions but it appears there are still some loyal American officials like Senator Morrow willing to start such investigations rolling!

All of this activity occurred one day after audio was aired on the Hal Turner Show. Back on the air for less than a year, it appears The Hal Turner Show has just had a major impact!

To hear the blockbuster show that seems to have started this serious legal inquiry in motion.

Click on this URL to download it: