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Corporate Armies & Corporate Mexican Slaves Versus American Workers

Rayelan Russbacher

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s know... I have been talking about the Atzlan reconquista movement for almost 10 years.

Here is one of the first articles RMN ever ran on this. This is from 1996:

"I did it for the brotherhood and the brown side.

We have a hit list."

From Rumor Mill News Print Edition November 1996

Over the years I have tried to make people realize that the movement to take back the South Western United States is exactly the same manuever that the NWO used to break up Yugoslavia.

From an old article:

The new world order divided itself into two plans to control the world - a two prong plan - a corrupt capitalist plan and a corrupt communist plan. It pitted the two sides of the world and the people who lived in these countries against each other. While people are fighting perceived enemies, they can never take the time to find out who is really behind all the troubles in the world.

When the nwo discovered that Americans are innately loyal to America, no matter how much they criticize and condemn her, they realized that they had to put plan B into play. Plan B is a revolution/war that will be instigated by the ALA - Atzlan Liberation Army -- They have now changed their name -- probably because I outed them - I don't know the new name, but the members call themselves "The Brown Berets".

The Brown Berets are trained by cubans and ex soviets. They are a para military unit that has been infiltrating our country for at least 30 years... probably longer. This group is as fanatical as any marxist leninist communist revolutionary group. You can compare their dedication and their zeal to the Shining Path, the Kosovo Liberation Army, the Maoists in Nepal, and all the other communist backed and trained revolutionary armies around the world.

From another old article:

In California, a movement is growing to reclaim California for Mexico. Some of the first steps were taken several years ago when California citizens of Mexican descent were given permission to retain their American citizenship and also have Mexican citizenship with voting rights. With the help of the present Democratic Federal government, hundreds of thousands of illegal Mexican aliens are given their citizenship each year. These new United States citizens do not speak English nor do they believe the United States is their home. They are Mexican citizens, and the United States is the enemy. Californians of European descent become frustrated and angry as more and more illegal aliens flow across the border and reclaim what they believe is rightfully theirs.

In Yugoslavia, the same thing happened. In Kosovo, illegal immigrants from Albania began moving in. This happened during the occupation of Yugoslavia by the Soviet Union. During the 50 year occupation, Muslim Albanians moved into Christian Serbian Kosovo. Soon there were almost as many Albanian Muslims in Kosovo as there were Christian Serbs.

Finally the Albanians decided that they wanted to go to their own schools. They wanted to speak their own language and they wanted to have their own police departments and governments. This is akin to the Mexicans who live in California demanding that they be taught in Spanish in the schools. Have government documents written in their language and be allowed to set up their own schools, police departments and governments.

At the moment, bilingual education in California has been voted out, but most school districts ignore the law and continue teaching Mexican children in Spanish. Government documents are still written in Spanish, and the fight between the two tiered Californian cultures continues.

In Kosovo, as in California, the ?illegal immigrants? consider the land theirs by hereditary right. In Kosovo, the Muslim Kosovo Liberation Army is backed by communist sympathizers around the world. Drugs supply the money they need to buy weapons. In Mexico, the Atzlan Liberation Army is also funded by drugs. Their training comes from Sandinista and Cuban communists and their weapons come from Chinese and Russian communists.

If my Source is correct in what he told me last night, the Second Mexican/American war is on the near horizon. However, this time Mexico won't be bankrupt from fighting a war of independence from Spain. This time Mexico will be backed by multi national corporations who want cheap Mexican labor. These Multi-national corporations have their own armies. All you have to do is look to Iraq to realize that "private contractor" today means the same thing that Hessian or Gurkas used to mean... i.e. hired guns for those who have money!!

Don't be under the illusion that these "hired guns" are Americans. In the case of the coming Mexican/American war, these hired contractors are probably Mexicans.

The corporations will use their hired guns... aka hired Armies... to fight Americans. Once Americans are on the run... the corporations can exploit their Mexican workers anyway they want.

In other words, the same ideology that created Lenin and the Useful Idiots is now planning to wipe out White America and replace White America with a "tan race" of slaves. Any of the organizers of the movements who wake up and realize that they just led their people into slavery, will be killed... just like Lenin killed all the Useful Idiots who helped him take over Russia.

Please remember that Mexico has a long love affair with Communism. Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo were friends of Leon Trotsky. Frida Kahlo is revered by Mexican youth!! Che Guevera is their other hero. These people have been brainwashed and I see nothing being done by our government or our country to counter this brainwashing.

If I were you... I would stock up on guns and ammo... as our Second Amendment people have been saying for a while now... guns may still be legal... but the ammo will be hard... if not impossible to find.

But the multi-national corporations will have all they need because they manufacture it and will give it to their hired guns!!

If you don't think we are on the verge of annililation... I don't know how to convince you...

What can we do? I don't know. I don't know of an area that will be safe. The northwest... Idaho and Utah are probably the best bets.

Frankly, I think the only thing that will save us is the Underground Army. Let's pray they haven't all died... that was the solution the NWO had for them... wait them out... wait until everyone who understood the truth was dead or too sick to do anything.

I hope I related the seriousness of what my source told me.


ps... I had to post this before I proofed it for errors... I will proof it later this afternoon.