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U.S. Justice Systme by Daniel Webster

Rod Remelin

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court-hardships, each will continue to repeat the words, like a parrot wanting a cracker, that America has the fairest courts in the world. Some have come to realize that this is not true as the justice system continues to advance, plundering American citizens at its whim.

"When you voluntarily go into court you will find (or have found) that many times you will lose even though the law is clearly on your side. After such loss, due to your sense of justice, you file subsequent lawsuits or complaints against judges, you appeal decisions, and spend time and other resources thinking of other legal strategies for recourse, etc.

"Even worse, you become occupied for years on a course that costs you large sums of money and keeps you busy with very little to show for it except perhaps high blood pressure. Most often however, you become even more outraged and impoverished than when you innocently started down this path many years before.