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I'm Shocked !!

Doug Mills - Executive Director Media Research Cen

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he didn't refer to them as undocumented workers, or as displaced immigrants... She actually referred to them as illegal immigrants! Go here to access the full report:

After months, and months, we finally get a story that dares to truthfully address the reality of the illegal immigration crisis and its often heart-wrenching impact on the citizens of our nation!

But why the change after these many months?

I believe it's that what you and I have done has made the difference.

Since the immigration debate began heating up, Brent and I have had our research team focused squarely on the issue-- analyzing, exposing and neutralizing the liberal media bias...

Meanwhile, our MRC Action Team continued to take action-- spreading the word, holding the media accountable and demanding truth in reporting.

But we cannot relish this victory...

Instead we need to expand our efforts and send a clear message to liberal media outlets that the MRC WILL EXPOSE every immigration lie that is misleading Americans!

Together, we need to put the media on notice while continuing to alert citizens to the real truth in the illegal immigration debate. I am counting on you to help the MRC maintain its grip on liberal media bias by sending a tax deductible gift of any amount this month. Click here to help:

The fact that ABC World News Tonight got this story right is not an accident. It came about because of relentless pressure by you and me.

Together let's expand our efforts. Make a special tax- deductible gift right now to the MRC and help us usher in a new era of truth and responsibility in reporting! Click here to help:

Thank you for your support of the MRC!

Douglas Mills Executive Director Media Research Center

P.S. Send this message to a friend, and let them know that your efforts are having a positive and profound impact on exposing and eradicating liberal media bias:

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The Media Research Center is a research and education organization operating under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are tax-deductible for income tax purposes.