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Death to the White Man!

Frosty Wooldridge

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re firmly in charge there. Once the mid-term elections are over the government will move full speed ahead with a blanket amnesty and citizenship for all of the immigrants already here.

“This will cause a virtual flood of immigration as our brethren crash the gates and demand their human rights, citizenship, and social benefits. You, the white colonizer and pillager, will pay for it all! Once our brothers get the right to vote we will ensure that only those who agree with, or at least support our agenda stand for office. As the Borg would say, "resistance is futile." Death to the white man! Long live Aztlan! Long live the Bronze Age!

“Keep writing your useless warnings! I love reading your pathetic articles. Your attempts to galvanize the hoi polloi into action amuses me. Don't you realize that the average Joe six-pack white trash American doesn't give a s**t? He'll keep on swilling beer and watching Spike TV until the revolution begins in earnest and he is brought to account for the crimes of his forebears. Our allies in the media and academia have seen to it that the white man feels guilty and impotent in the face of his crimes. This is our country now; our women are lovely and pleasing to the eye, and the white man cannot get enough of them. We will defeat you by sheer force of numbers. All of your attempts are futile; your own politicians know that we are the future, that we must be taken into consideration whenever a major decision is made. The white vote means nothing. This is our time now. You had your time. The white man has been ascendant for centuries, now it is the time of the brown man. The best thing you can do for yourself is pack up and leave to northern Europe. You are no longer wanted. Does this make you angry? It is the truth nonetheless and you know it. Thanks be to God that you have been made a stranger in the land your ancestors stole! Viva Aztlan!” -- Subcommandante Pedro, MeCHA Brown Berets Infiltration Brigades Los Angeles, Baja California Aztlan

“P.S. I receive $721 social security monthly while working off the books, with complete medical insurance to boot. My wife receives welfare, food stamps, and child care funds for our growing brood. Three of my children also receive generous social security checks. Only two of our six children are citizens. We are living very well and it is all thanks to the American taxpaying sucker. Muchas Gracias!”