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Immigrant Sanctuary Rally Planned For Weekend

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l also do nothing about the illegal aliens rallying there. So. . . . if anything is going to be done, I guess it's up to us.

I wouldn't shed a tear if the Mayor was assassinated. I wouldn't shed a tear if folks armed with guns, attacked the rally this weekend and killed the illegal aliens and everyone who supports them. ~ Hal Turner


NATIONAL CITY, Calif. -- The stage is set for another protest -- and counter-protest -- this weekend in National City.

The issue is immigration, and National City Mayor Nick Inzunza’s declaration that the city shall become a sanctuary for immigrants.

More than 400 protestors came out last Saturday and more are expected this weekend.

Streets in National City will be closed off and there will be a heavy police presence.

Best known in recent years for its “mile of cars,” National City is now getting headlines for Inzunza’s immigrant sanctuary declaration.

“We've raised awareness on the immigrant debate, not all are here illegally. You cannot violate civil rights of all immigrants to find out which are illegal or not,” said Inzunza.

Immigration reform has generated mass demonstrations all over the country, including a high-profile gathering in May.

It was relatively quiet until last Saturday, when the San Diego Minutemen clashed in National City with immigrants rights groups.

“They want to come here? Fine, cross legally, no problem. Come across illegally, we got a problem,” said one Minutemen member.

“The U. S. is a sanctuary country. We're reaffirming the rights people have in this country,” said one sanctuary supporter.

National City Police may be caught in the middle. The officers union said it would uphold all local, state and federal laws, indicating IDs would still be checked. The official stance is a little different.

“The sanctuary issue doesn't involve law enforcement doing anything different. We're here to protect the community and it's what we'll continue to do,” said National City Police Capt. Manuel Rodriguez.

There are some very definite opinions in the wake of the sanctuary declaration.

“I think it's a good idea,” said one National City resident.

Another resident said, “It’s just not a good idea.”

“The people that live and work here, supporting me, go into restaurants, the folks in kitchen give me thumbs up. I walk down street and people in many languages tell me they believe in what I'm doing. We should be fighting for immigrants,” added Inzunza.