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If It's Not Their Job - Then It Must Be Ours!

Michael of Mexa, AZ

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nment. However, in making Immigration Laws - the Congress has the Authority to exercise "plenary" jurisdiction whereas, the Supreme Court has the authority to exercise "original" jurisdiction. Because they are two distinct branches of government - one must understand that Congress has broad or full and complete authority to make law - where the Court has the authority to review such laws - that is - those which the Congress grants them the authority to review.

If the Congress chose to pass a law that forbids the Courts from hearing arguments re Immigration - the Court could no longer hear such cases, as they could not be brought to them. Because the Congress has such broad authority - the application of Federal Laws requires that Federal Laws must be enforced at all levels of Government. The United States of America is a Federalist system and not a democracy. It is a Constitutional Republic and not a democracy. It abides by the Rule of Law and not by Mob Rule.

In our efforts, many of us continue to hear a variety of arguments - by many anti-American, pro-Illegal Alien advocates that State and Local Governments and Law Enforcement cannot enforce Federal Immigration Laws. Under our Federal System of Government - their arguments remain outrageous lies soley designed to obfuscate the facts. The facts of the matter are: No State or Local Government may usurp the Federal Authority that requires them to enforce the Federal Laws authorized by the Federal Constitution that exclusively fall under the jurisdiction of the Federal Constitution. Inasmuch as the Government belongs to "WE THE PEOPLE" no State or Local entity can remove the Constitutional Authority granted to the People.

For State and Local Governments to take the position that they are not bound by Federal Laws - is the same as saying that they are not bound by the Federal Constitution and that they are not but one of fifty parts that make up the Federal government. To take an opposing position sets up the kind of government that has destroyed Mexico and other "so-called" democracies. Likewise - every elected and appointed official - and every policeman and military person take an oath of office that requires them to swear - first - allegiance to the Federal Constitution and then, subsequently, allegiance to State, County and Local statutes, laws, rules and regulations that are appropriate to the jurisdiction in which they serve.

Federal Jurisdiction has always been shared with State and Local governments and law enforcement in conjunction with the goal to achieve "equal protection under the law" and "justice." For instance. In Phoenix - State, County and Local law enforcement are generally granted what is called "concurrent jurisdiction" with the intent of allowing them to participate in investigations of crimes on Federal Property - crimes which also violate State and Local laws, etc. However, the Federal Government does not have to allow this "shared" jurisdiction - since their exists Federal laws that are sufficient to investigate a crime and bring a suspect to trial.

In the instant example - one that addresses the arguments that State and Local governments have no authority to enforce Federal Immigration Laws - the argument fails, inasmuch as enforcement authority is granted under the broad application of the Federal Constitution, and, inasmuch as there are no laws which prohibit or forbid State or Local Governments from such enforcement. Indeed, under the Federal Constitution and under Federal Laws which come from it - State and Local Governments are duty bound by their Oath of Office to ensure that all Federal, State and Local laws are faithfully executed and enforced.

Should the Local Police refuse to enforce speeding laws on Federal and State roads - arguing that such thoroughfares did not belong to them - their argument would be unacceptable and in violation of State laws. Yet, by arguing that Federal Immigration Laws are a Federal responsibility and not the job of State and Local Law Enforcement - the State and Local Governments expose themselves to public criticism regarding State and Local Laws that exist, but are blatantly unenforced.

EXAMPLE: We spend MILLIONS OF DOLLARS each year to hire companies that hire illegal's to clean our State highways that have been littered by Illegal's who are engaged in carrying construction products in untarped trailers that are unlicensed and unsafe and in violation of State Laws.

First - over 70% of the construction, landscaping, painting, and concrete and mason jobs, etc. in this City and across the USA are being performed by Illegal Aliens. These Illegal's get their products to the job site via trailers which they haul behind their trucks or cars. Most, if not all of them have no license or insurance. Most of them have trailers that are untarped - and unsafe - with no brake lights, turn signals or travel lights. Most of them that transport concrete, asphalt or stucco mixer machines violate State laws which require a license if the machine is 4 feet or longer. Most of the machines are 6 to 8 feet beyond the bumper and have small wheels that are insufficient for travel at high speeds. None of these machines have license plates or lights of any kind.


The Public Safety appears to be the last thing on the minds of Federal, State and Local Politicians and Law Enforcement. THEIR DISINGENUOUS ARGUMENTS GIVE THE APPEARANCE THAT EVERYONE IS ENGAGED IN SOLVING THESE PROBLEMS, BUT To be sure they are not serving the Community, the State or the Nation - by arguing that the enforcement of such and such a law is not their job - when indeed - the enforcement of every law is their sworn duty.

In the State of Arizona and in the City of Phoenix - one can only imagine what costs have been levied against the Citizens and legal residents that live there. With nearly 600,000 estimated Illegal Aliens - the costs are astronomical when considered as a whole - but the damage done to our Rule of Law is outrageous. The mindset of a handful of pro-Illegal Alien Politicians and their civilian counterparts is reprehensible. The message that they send to the community, and especially to the Illegal Alien community is one that admits surrender and acknowledges defeat. These "puppets of corruption" - aka, the easily blackmailed and the bribed - virtually announce that they are willing to "sellout" to the demanding Illegal few, rather than respect and dignify their public positions by enforcing the laws that they are Constitutionally required to do.

Federal Law supercedes any and every State and Local law that is passed in opposition to it. We are a Federal System of Government - and I fear that far too many of our elected officials are not only ignorant of this fact, but that they go out of their way to misrepresent and distort the laws for personally motivated reasons.

At election time - we must throw these bastards under the train. We must give them their just due. We must send them back to the hell they came from and take back our government at all levels as well as our Rule of Law - ONCE AND FOR ALL!!