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Victory in Waukegan, Illinois

William Gheen - President, Americans for Legal Imm

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pulled out all the stops. They had thousands of illegal aliens bused in from Chicago. Big money was behind this.

The Waukegan police called up hundreds of officers in riot gear from all of the surrounding jurisdictions, with dogs, horses, snipers on the roof and armored Humvees and special tactical teams.

While the police lined up equally on both sides, to keep our Americans separate from the angry mob of illegal aliens, we all knew who they were there for.

The vote was 8-2 because the Mayor insisted on casting a vote. He said that nobody (the illegal alien felon supporters) is going to come into his town and try to tell him what to do with his police department.

The press was all over the place! CBS, FOX, NBC, ABC, Telmundo, Univision, Chicago Tribune! It was amazing!

Around 400 people from Waukegan joined us, on our side of the barricades to enter the chambers, to hold a vigil and rally in support of 287(g).

Me and Ted Hayes from Choose Black America rallied the crowd with a headset microphone provided by the Midwest Minutemen. So many leaders on our side were there, like Rosean Polido from You Don't Speak for Me and Rick Beseida from the Illinois Minutemen. And of course, talk show host Fred Flannigan and his key people were working hard.

I am truly honored to have been a part of this experience and I am truly amazed at the bravery and determination of many of our ALIPACers and the Waukegan citizens that took a stand!

Let the word go forth across America! We do not back down to angry mobs! Let the revolt of the cities and states continue with new fervor.

Tonight, we have won a critical battle in taking our country back , city by city, state by state, and block by block! The illegals were hoping to set a precedent tonight, and they failed!

At this time, we do not know the security status of the downtown Waukegan area near the city hall. The "illegal alien felon supporters" will either disperse on their own or they will be dispersed by police. Many of them were leaving when we exited, but you could tell they were very angry.

Special thanks to all of you that called, e-mailed, and faxed behind this effort. I'm certain that Dunkin' Donuts got an earful today. Smile

Tomorrow morning, I am off to Washington to ask Congress to investigate the Executive Branch for the non-enforcement of our existing and popularly supported immigration laws. We will need your help and more information will follow.

Let us pray our winning streak continues!

Please spread this news far and wide on other websites and to your contacts!

Tonight, we raise our hands in salute, to the 8 members of the Waukegan City Council that stood strong behind Americans!

Yours in the cause,

William Gheen

President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC