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MUTINY AT I.C.E.? "Wildcat" Immigration Raids Set For Monday Immigration Protests - Regional Directors Of Immigration and Customs Enforement (ICE) To Intentionally Disobey Washington and Raid Immigra

"Wildcat" Immigration Raids Set For Monday Immigration Protests - Regional Directors Of Immigration and Customs Enforement (ICE) To Intentionally Disobey Washington and Raid Immigra

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By: Hal Turner

At least three ICE directors say they are "tired of politics interfering with their jobs" and intend to launch round-ups of illegal aliens in several major cities on Monday, May 1!

Admitting they may sacrifice their jobs for this intentional disobedience, Directors tell The Hal Turner Show they will no longer allow political considerations to affect law enforcement.

"If Secretary Chertoff gets called on the carpet for what we do, so be it; that's what he gets paid for." said one official who spoke to Hal Turner on condition of anonymity. "If I get fired for what I do, I will blow the lid off what's been going on inside ICE for years, including releasing internal memos, e-mails and official letters which prove rampant political interference with our jobs by Congress and the President" he continued.

Illegal Immigrant rallies are planned nationwide for Monday, May 1 and according to these officials, word has come down from Washington that "No enforcement effort is to be made at any of them."

"These illegal aliens have been shoving their status in our face for weeks while Washington plays politics" said the official. "I have to look myself in the mirror at night and lately I can't stand what I'm seeing when I do" he continued.

Another official told the Hal Turner Show that he intends to arrest politicians who speak at the events, charging them with "inducing illegal aliens to remain in the country" and also intends to charge Union organizers for "transporting illegal aliens with reckless disregard of their immigration status!" This official is all but certain he will be immediately removed, but says his self-respect requires him to act.

Hal Turner has been INVITED to accompany his agents during these raids and I may be able to broadcast audio from them LIVE here on! I will have digital video and audio gear to record the raids if I am able to go

Developing fast. . . . check back often for details!