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Amnesty Gang Bending Senate Rules To Pass Bill !!

Steve Elliott

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e telling us...

The Amnesty Gang (including Bush, Kennedy, McCain, Kyl, and Reid) will introduce a new bill as a "substitute" of the last failed bill. This allows them to bring the bill to the Senate floor without going through committee -- just like the first Bush-Kennedy amnesty bill.

This is where it gets shadowy. Harry Reid will employ what is being called the "clay pigeon" procedure whereby all the amendments are lumped together as one to limit the ability of opposition to resist the bill!

What does all this mean?

It means that you and I and the rest of the citizens of our nation have been sold out by an arrogant Senate that has completely lost touch with the American people. Just listen to the bristling arrogance of Senate Minority leader (and Amnesty Senator from Mississippi) Trent Lott, who spoke to reporters yesterday. "I've had my phones jammed for three weeks. Yesterday I had three people answering them continuously all day. To think that you're going to intimidate a senator or any senator into voting one way or the other by gorging your phones with phone calls -- most of whom don't even know where Gulfport, Mississippi, is -- is not an effective tactic. But it's their right to do that."

That's right, Trent, it is our right, and you are feeling it!

In simple terms, the ONLY barrier left for the Senate to pass this bill is YOU. That is why I'm calling for an even greater grassroots uprising than before.

Whether they formally bring the amnesty bill back on Friday, or Monday really doesn't matter. What matters is that they are bringing amnesty back, and it is up to grassroots America to stop them cold!

+ +

Action #1: Faxes and Phone Calls

If you have not scheduled faxes in the past few days, do so right now. We must have faxes flooding the Senate every day until AMNESTY IS DEAD. Use our FaxFire system or fax them yourself (info. provided here):

After scheduling your faxes, call your two senators.

We've gotten many reports of citizens calling their Senators EVERY DAY, and I want to challenge every member of our team to do the same. Here's a number of KEY talking points:

1. You are disappointed that the Senate is reconsidering the amnesty bill. 2. A "yes" vote on cloture is a "yes" vote for amnesty. 3. Vote NO on cloture for the Bush-Kennedy Amnesty bill.

I'm also asking team members from Mississippi to contact Mr. Lott, to let him know that his constituents who oppose amnesty certainly know where Gulfport is!

Here's his number: 202/224-6253

Or call his district offices: Jackson, 601/965-4644; Gulfport, 228/863-1988; Pascagoula, 228/762-5400; Oxford, 662/234-3774

To recap, AMNESTY IS COMING BACK perhaps as soon as Friday and certainly by next Monday. We've been told the back-room deal cut last week is in motion, and a plan to manipulate Senate rules and tie the hands of Senators opposing the amnesty bill is underway.

YOU AND I are the last line of defense!

Thanks for your help fighting amnesty!

Steve Elliott, President

P.S: I've just heard that the AFL-CIO is finally realizing that an amnesty bill would devastate and demoralize their membership. They have come out strongly against this bill!

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