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News Release: Convictions for Hiring Illegal in Oklahoma

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and sent a message throughout Oklahoma.

Hopefully also throughout the USA. They need to do more throughout our nation to send a stronger message.


For Release: September 11, 2007

For Further Information Contact:

Sheldon J. Sperling, United States Attorney or

Christopher J. Wilson, Assistant United States Attorney

MUSKOGEE, OKLAHOMA - Sheldon J. Sperling, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Oklahoma, announced today that BILLY COOK HARNESS AND SADDLE, INC., a Texas Corporation authorized to conduct business in the State of Oklahoma, pled guilty to a one felony count information charging Furnishing False Information to the Commissioner of Social Security, in violation of 42 U.S.C. §408(a)(6), punishable by up to five years imprisonment, a fine of up to $500,000.00, or both and payment of a special assessment of $100.00.

“BILLY COOK HARNESS AND SADDLE, INC., a saddle and tack manufacturing company, in Sulphur, Oklahoma, was the focus of an investigation by the United States Department of Homeland Security - Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the United States Social Security Administration (SSA). In the spring of 2006, ICE agents were informed that BILLY COOK HARNESS AND SADDLE, INC. was employing illegal aliens in the saddle shop. In August 2006, a federal search warrant was executed at the business and ICE agents discovered 51 illegal aliens employed at the factory. Agents also discovered that BILLY COOK HARNESS AND SADDLE, INC. had failed to create and maintain mandatory immigration forms (Form I9) on each of the employees. Also during the investigation it was determined that the Social Security Administration and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had previously notified BILLY COOK HARNESS AND SADDLE, INC. that employee social security numbers which the company had reported to the SSA were not proper,” stated U.S. Attorney Sperling.

“BILLY COOK, age 77, of Sulphur, Oklahoma, waived indictment by a federal grand jury. On behalf of himself and the corporation he then pled guilty to misdemeanor crimes of Conspiracy to Unlawfully Employ Aliens and Unlawful Employing of Aliens in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 371 and 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a) respectively. COOK admitted he had agreed with his longtime employee, RUTILIO OSORNIO, age 47, to hire illegal aliens that OSORNIO introduced to COOK. He also admitted that he hired illegal aliens who gave him the wrong social security numbers. He further admitted that he and OSORNIA conspired to unlawfully employ illegal aliens. Each of the offenses carry imprisonment of not more than 6 months and/or a fine of not more than $3,000.00 for each alien illegally employed and payment of a $25.00 special assessment,” stated U.S. Attorney Sperling.

“RUTILIO OSORNIO, of Sulphur, Oklahoma, a longtime employee of Billy Cook at BILLY COOK HARNESS AND SADDLE, INC., is a naturalized U.S. Citizen, who has been in the country since 1979. He pled guilty to Conspiracy to Unlawfully Employ Aliens, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 371. OSORNIO admitted to bringing illegal aliens to be hired by Billy Cook at the saddle company. OSORNIO also faces imprisonment of up to 6 months and/or a fine of not more than $3,000.00 for each alien illegally employed and payment of a $25.00 special assessment,” stated U.S. Attorney Sperling.

“This case presented a classic clash between competing government objectives. We are obligated to prosecute violations of immigration law. We are also charged to remove aliens and apportion scarce detention dollars,” remarked U.S. Attorney Sperling. “Federal ICE agents and Social Security Administration, Office of Inspector General agents performed admirably in this investigation.”

“Bottom line? The aliens were removed and the employer is being held responsible,” added U.S. Attorney Sperling.

“The Honorable Steven P. Shreder, Magistrate Judge in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Oklahoma, in Muskogee, accepted the defendant’s guilty plea and ordered the completion of a presentence report. Sentencing will be scheduled following its completion.

“Assistant United States Attorney Christopher J. Wilson represented the government. Phil Hurst, of Sulphur, Oklahoma, represented the defendants.”