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Illegals Take To Streets, O'Reilly and Bush

Steve Elliott

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segment, be sure to watch it below.

I've decided to list for you "Resources" and "Today's Actions" below.

+ + Today's Actions

Action #1 -- Let the President know that his new amnesty proposal is unacceptable!

Call the White House and your two Senators and say you oppose Bush's "Z-Visa/Amnesty" plan.

White House: 202-456-1111, 202-456-1414 Senate Switchboard: 202-224-3121

Action #2 -- Forward this message to your friends and ask them to sign the "Stop The Invasion" petition:

+ + Resources

O'Reilly v. Geraldo video:

Illegals say "Amnesty Now" in L.A. rally:

Drunk Illegal kills Hollywood Director:

Grassfire analysis of Bush's "Z-Amnesty" plan:

FireSociety discussion on teen deaths in VA Beach by drunk illegal:

Thanks for taking action!

Steve Elliott, Grassfire

P.S. We just re-upped our mobile "Stop The Invasion" billboard in Washington, D.C., for another month. I want to keep that billboard running until we defeat this round of amnesty bills. If you can help, please go here:

+ + (Note: Please do not "reply" directly to this e-mail message. This e-mail address is not designed to receive your personal messages. To contact with comments, questions or to change your status, see link at the end.) + +

+ + Feedback or comments on this update?

Go to and post your comments so that the Grassfire staff along with thousands of citizens can benefit from your thoughts and opinions:

+ + Technical questions only:

For technical questions regarding this email, go here: (Not for comments/feedback on this update)

+ + + + + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c)4 issues advocacy organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to are not tax deductible.