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Lou Dobbs On Ramos and Compean (transcript)

From Tori Stordahl

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l's office. He made several assertions as to the guilt of the agents. And then after which we requested the report of investigation.

They gave us assurances for months that this would be turned over. As we entered into the new Congress, he told me that my request had expired with the old Congress, that it would not be honored now and that the only way I could obtain the report was to go through the Freedom of Information Act.

DOBBS: Wait a minute, a U.S. congressman being told by the Department of Homeland Security, you have to file a freedom of information request?

MCCAUL: That's what we were told. And, Lou, this defies not only the homeland security committee; it defies the will of the Congress. And it defies the will of the people who are entitled to the truth in this case.

DOBBS: Congressman Culvertson said point blank he thinks it's a cover-up. What do you think?

MCCAUL: We don't know until we know all the facts and all the evidence. As a former federal prosecutor, I reserve judgment until we get the facts and the evidence. But you have to ask the question, why are they being so reluctant to turn over this -- such important information? And either it's total arrogance or it's gross incompetence.

DOBBS: Well, you're a former federal prosecutor. Let me ask you something and I think it's admirable. You're trying to get the facts. That's what we're all trying to do.

But the facts, as they're established right now, to the advantage of the prosecution, to the disadvantage of the defense, based on the testimony of an illegal alien, Mexican drug smuggler given immunity to testify against the agent. As a prosecutor, does that make any sense to you?

MCCAUL: That's an extraordinary case. Typically you have someone plead guilty to change and then cooperate in an investigation in a case. So this is an extraordinary set of facts here. In addition, the judge not allowing the agents out on bond, in my view, when the real issue is risk of flight.

These were former -- these are law enforcement officers. There is no risk of flight. Where are they going to flee to, Mexico? That was an absurd result, I believe. And I think the judge should have let them out on bond.

DOBBS: Well, it's -- we're approaching three months since the Department of Homeland Security told you it would be just, what, about two weeks before you would have that report. The arrogance of the Department of Homeland Security as well as its overall incompetence is breathtaking. What do you do next?

MCCAUL: We have a constitutional responsibility for oversight in the Congress. That is what I'm exercising. I will relentlessly pursue the truth in this case until that haven't turned over.

I did meet with the new Democrat chairman of the subcommittee. He has sent a letter of demand to the department as of yesterday. We have still not received those documents. And if we don't, we're prepared to move forward with the subpoena and, if necessary, take the bold step of holding this department in contempt of Congress.

DOBBS: Well, I think that all of us interested in the welfare of this country and justice for these two agents certainly wish you all the best of luck. And thank you, congressman, for being here.

MCCAUL: Thanks, Lou.

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