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The Voice of the White House for May 5th 2007

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can be found and many of them, but not all certainly, are persons hostile to American interests.

What happens is this: The Border Patrol interdicts groups en route to Highway 10. If they can identify any foreigners, i.e., not Central or South Americans, they notify the Army people at Huachuca. These non-Latinos are then separated by the Army and removed to a "secure location" on the base where they are "severely interrogated" by contract workers. There is always a member of the U.S. Army CIC present at these sessions.

When the interrogators have finished their work, the tortured individuals are taken out into the desert, stripped of their shoes and socks and dumped out. These dumping places are selected because of their remoteness and the impossibility for the victim to find any kind of civilization, food or water.

Obviously, they die of exposure. Neither a quick nor a pleasant death but a sure one. And no bullet holes or broken bones to accuse.

This method of removal was chosen over the standard shot in the neck because if the desiccated bodies are ever found, it is immediately assumed that they were illegals who had gone astray.

I am sure you realize that such conduct, even if Bush personally ordered it, (which, given his vicious nature would not be surprising) is completely illegal and severely punished under American law.

There will be further information on this subject in the future.

From August, 2003 to date, the following breakdown of those terminated with extreme prejudice (actually a CIA term for offing one of their own agents) reads as follows:

Australian/New Zealand 6

Yemini 8

Chinese 15

Philippinos 3


Venezuelans 11

Turkmenstani 4

Pakistani 32

As a further item of historical interest, Wikileaks is now in the process of publishing the entire military order of battle of the PRC to include support troops, intelligence units, aircraft bases, naval units and their bases and, as if that were not enough, have put together a list of call signs for intelligence diplomatic communications. Much of this information comes from the Chinese dissidents who are highly prominent in this project and their efforts are also supplemented with “unofficial” leaks from U.S. government sources. Causing maximum intelligence damage to the PRC seems to be Wikileaks’ main purpose. Whether or not it will succeed is to be seen. The Cheney people have also been trying the same game on the Putin administration but with very little in the way of positive (and a great deal of negative,) results. The Wiki people (and other very prominent internet “informational” sites) have strong, but very private, links to various American governmental agencies and are an excellent indicator of current administration thought and areas of desired influence ”