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A North Carolina Reader Gives The Denver Public Library A Piece Of Her Mind

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he detriment of all other ethnic backgrounds.

How long until you follow the Mexican government's censorship? People in Mexico cannot even purchase "The Last Temptation of Christ" because the corruptocracy they call a government has deemed it censor-worthy.

How long until you kowtow to 'cultural sensitivities' under the guise of the abomination of multiculturalism?

Seems that's already been done. Your decisions are disgusting.


Dear Ms. Leverett,

Thank you for your email regarding the collection of the Denver Public Library.

The 2000 Census reported more than 20 percent of the people living in Denver speak a language other than English at home. The two largest language groups in the city and county of Denver are Spanish and Vietnamese. To that end, the library purchases materials for the collection in both languages.

The Denver Public Library has a long history of serving immigrant groups with materials in languages other than English as they transition to life in Denver, Colorado and the United States.

In fact, the Decker Branch Library had materials in Dutch when it opened in 1913 to serve the immigrants living in the neighborhood.

Once again, thank you for your email.


Mike Eitner [e-mail him]

Collection Services Manager

Leverett is a former Marine. Read her thoughts about General Peter Pace and his disingenuous immigration comments here.


Today’s Letter: A Colorado Reader Says La Quinceañera Is All About $$$

From: B. Walter Kopilow: [e-mail]

Re: Joe Guzzardi’s Column: Quinceanera: Just Dishonest Propaganda

Advertisements on Denver radio refer to the movie La Quinceañera "as a film about "Latino culture".

As an American of Argentine ancestry, I find that to be a "chiste" (joke)!

Here in Denver "Latino/Hispanic" refers solamente a los Mejicanos – (in Argentina, Mexico is spelled con un "jota" {j} no con un equis {x}.)

But what the hell, si puede ganar dinero (make money) indulging in some good old Marxist dialectics, more currently referred to as political correctness, everything is right with the world.

Kopilow is a Brooklyn, NY native who has lived in Colorado since 1956. He describes himself as a "recovering Democrat and retired realtor who is considering moving down to the Argentine to spend my retirement years among my Argentine cousins and many friends.”