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Petition: Free Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Campean !

Patriot Petitions

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ldo Aldrete-Davila on felony drug distribution charges; and demanding that Congress and the Bush administration secure our borders.

"It is not honorable to take mere legal advantage, when it happens to be contrary to justice." --Thomas Jefferson

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Please forward this invitation to Patriot family members, friends and associates. In order to encourage serious consideration of this critical issue, we must collect in excess of 100,000 signatures.

(Circulation of this petition is being sponsored by The Patriot, the most widely read conservative e-journal on the Internet. If you have not already joined the ranks of Patriots receiving The Patriot, we encourage you to do so. This highly acclaimed conservative digest of news, policy and opinion will be delivered FREE by e-mail to your inbox each week. Simply link to -- http://PatriotPost.US/subscribe. If you don't have Web access, send a blank e-mail to and you will be subscribed automatically.)

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