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The Great American Silence And The Silent Majority

By Jim Kirwan

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etter way of life. The unspoken part of the jobs that the tens of millions of people, now here have, involves jobs that were taken from those citizens that have become the New Silent Majority.

This group consists mostly of Americans that have fallen through the cracks of a system that has failed to provide decent wages to legal citizens that have played by the rules, only to find that their ability to survive is under attack by both the US government and the competing needs of these undocumented people who will work for less than a survivable wage. The graying of this society, along with government cuts in retirement benefits, in medical coverage, and in the steadily decreasing value of the US dollar has combined to create a black hole for those facing an end-of-life crisis when it comes to the ability of marginalized people to sustain themselves. The jobs that are going to the illegals are being taken from American citizens, and there will not be any effort made by congress or those affected to fight for those jobs; because this silent majority has chosen not to fight to improve conditions so that American jobs would indeed pay enough to keep them alive.

This entire issue was created as a two-tier tactic to foster extreme profits for the mega-corporations, at the expense of all who work. The Sensenbrenner Bill only addressed one side of the problem, namely what to do about the 10 to 12 million people who responded to the destruction of US immigration policy ­ in order to improve their own bottom-lines. The Bill does nothing to punish the original violations of US immigration laws, by those companies and individuals that made these illegal jobs available to undocumented people in the first place. Now ICE (the new immigration service under control of Homeland Insecurity) has begun to quietly round-up and deport workers around the country ­ to intimidate and to strike fear into those who are demanding that something of substance be done about their plight.

If this effort by the US House of Representatives were real, then the first tier in the Bill would have been about the prosecution of existing immigration laws that would have mandated arrest and trial of those who offered illegal jobs. Only after-going after the creators of this situation, should that vile legislation have advocated the deportation of those who had answered the call to work illegally, in order to survive. Absent this critical part in the Sensenbrenner Bill, this government could still follow existing law and go after Wal-Mart, and all other major employers, that have so callously used and abused their own work force, to gain market advantage through cheap labor. The officers of those companies need to be arrested for the crimes that they have been committing for decades and fined accordingly under the terms of the Immigration laws on the books today. Only then should the US government even begin to address this very difficult and long term question ­ of those law-abiding millions that have been here for decades. If the US government and ICE will not act against those responsible for this problem, then they cannot go after those who simply responded to the circumstances that they created!

Of course: This has about as much chance of happening, as would any new effort by this government to provide real employment for those who have been downsized, or outsourced, or discriminated against for age or race or sexual bias in the workplace. The point here is that nothing that will be done now that will ever be perfect or even fair ­ that is in the nature of things. The old don't matter anymore because they don't need to buy much, as they only seek to sustain themselves ­ hence they are of little use to this consumer oriented marketplace that used be their country too. On the other hand the illegals and their families represent an entirely new market for obscene, but temporary profits, that fraudulently take advantage of those who really don't understand the degree to which the major banks and other commercial corporations will go to steal the promise they came here to realize. A case in point:

"The Mess That Greenspan Made: This may take a while I am a lawyer and I represent illegal aliens in deportation. In all but one of 35 cases I currently have on docket the illegal owns a home. But it is the loan terms that fascinate me. One lady finished school at second grade, speaks no English, and works for a recycling company binding cardboard boxes. She makes about $30K per year and is a single mom with three children. She has a $430K interest only loan that she used last year to buy a $430K condo - 100% financing - she paid $3,000 in closing costs. I tried to explain that her monthly payments will rise substantially in four years. She does not believe me, did not understand what I said and told me the loan and real estate agents specialize in real estate and would have told her if her payments could go up. If 34 of my clients with risky loans and no school past at best eighth grade are surprised by rising loan payments, we should be afraid. This is the last group desperate lenders pander to, meaning we're near the end.

Sound bogus? Is it crazy that this segment of the population is getting Interest Only mortgages? Is this all made up? Maybe not! Banks help illegal immigrants own their own home - Aug. 8, 2005, Banking on illegal immigrant. Banks are seeing an untapped resource in providing home loans to undocumented U.S. residents. Bet you didn't know!"

I'd be willing to bet that there are a lot more fraudulent things that far too many Americans don't have a clue about ­ but some things are clear. This situation is not simple, and more than likely it will not be just. The real "problem" was created by the pillars of the US community, and not by those that chose to apply for the illegal jobs that they were offered in the first place.

One of the March leaders called on congress 'to either put up the money to deport the12 million "illegals," or to offer amnesty.' Nothing about this quagmire is clearly possible because the entire thing was built on the quick-sand of duplicity and the criminality of intent that created these huge inequities that all of us must now face. Nothing is as simple as flags or racism or national drum beating ­ this is about the ability of this nation to trust its own government to protect its own people, and to behave in an even handed way when dealing with past crimes against US Immigration policy.

Racist slogans and bumper-stickers are easy to inflict on any problem ­ but governing a nation and dealing with the real problems that insider influence creates is a bitch! If the US government cannot deal with this and the additional problems that they created, by their own failure to enforce immigration policies ­ then it must be replaced!

Between the devaluation of US currency, the huge loss of real jobs and opportunities for everyone, coupled with this invasion of the poor that takes away whatever safety net there might have been for Americans facing hard times: What is leftover on this Day-After is not the highly touted "American Dream" ­ but is nothing more than the beginning of "The Great American Nightmare:" brought to us all by our own very real and very cowardly SILENCE over so many decades . . .
