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Dangerous Amnesty Vote This Week

Steve Elliott

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sty to any illegal alien claiming to have arrived in the U.S. prior to age 16.

--Any illegal alien can apply, no matter the current age. So if a 35 year old illegal can make a claim to have been in the U.S. prior to age 16, he can apply.

--Those who get amnesty through the Dream Act can then sponsor family members. It creates million of "anchor teens" who create a direct amnesty path for their family.

--Illegal aliens who apply cannot be deported.

--Plus, the bill allows illegals to get in-state tuition rates, meaning your tax dollars will pay for illegals to go to college!

The Dream Act is truly a nightmare.

Go here to access my briefing:

+ + Action Item #1-- Demand the Senate stop this nonsense!

Once again, the only way we can stop this outrageous amnesty push is through a concerted and overwhelming grassroots response.

Grassfire is immediately launching an emergency FaxFire to the Senate to derail this latest amnesty push.

Go here to send your faxes:

If you would prefer to send the faxes yourself, we have provided all the information you need (including fax numbers) at this special FaxFire site. Whatever method you choose, it is vital that you do something to help. Thank you!

To access the fax list of targets and learn more, click here:

+ + Action Item #2-- Call your Senators and these key senators

After scheduling your FaxFire faxes, please call your two Senators as well as these key senators:

Sen. Johnson 202-224-5842 Sen. Thune 202-224-2321

Sen. Dick Durbin (sponsor) -- 202-224-2152 Majority Leader Reid -- 202-224-3542 Minority Leader McConnell -- 202-224-2541 Minority Leader Lott -- 202-224-6253

Talking points:

1. I am outraged that the Senate is once again pushing an amnesty bill -- the so-called "Dream Act"

2. The Dream Act is a "Nighmare Amnesty Bill" that gives amnesty to millions of illegals.

3. Also, my tax dollars should not be given to illegal aliens as in-state tuition discounts.

4. I urge you to vote "No" on the Dream Act amendment to the Defense Appropriations bill.

Pease understand, massive grassroots pressure stopped this amnesty push this summer, and we can do it again!

We cannot allow our so-called leadership to sneak a dangerous amnesty bill through by attaching it to the Defense bill.

Thank you for taking a stand (yet again) to stop amnesty!

Steve Elliott, President

P.S. Our contacts told us this was coming so we have been preparing. In fact, we just finished a new "Where's The Fence?"(tm) TV spot that addresses this new amnesty push head-on. Go here to see the new ad and stay tuned:

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