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Grassroots Effort Impact Durbin's Amnesty Push

Steve Elliott

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opposes the war, is now attempting to use it for political gain by pitching the "Dream Act" amendment as a military recruiting tool to aid in the Iraq War!

Note: military recruiting aspects of the amendment were in the bill before the amendment was presented. And laws addressing the military status of immigrants are already on the books.

This is just another scam being perpetrated by our unscrupulous lawmakers to push through a massive amnesty plan.

++ Schedule Your faxes today!

I need your voice in this debate, especially with this latest move by Durbin. Many on our team report that they cannot get through on the phones.

That's no reason to give up. Instead, use the fax machine! Take a moment right now to personally impact this debate and schedule your faxes to the Senate by clicking here.

We must remain vigilant until the vote. That's why your action right now is so vital to the cause.

Note-- we have also posted all the fax numbers and phone numbers for these key senators so you can make phone calls and send your own faxes if you choose.

++ Action Item--Forward this message

After scheduling your faxes, please take a few additional moments to help Grassfire get more citizens engaged by forwarding this message to 25-30 friends urging them to take action with you by clicking here:

For years the "Dream Act" has languished in committee with no chance of passage on its own. It has taken an underhanded scheme by Democrats, desperate for votes, and open border Senators like Lindsey Graham to bring it to the brink of passage, and it is up to you and me to keep that from happening!

Thanks for your amazing support of Grassfire.

Steve Elliott, President

+ + + + + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c)4 issues advocacy organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to are not tax deductible.

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