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Don't forget that Chavez sent fuel up to the N. East during winter months for homes and people that were freezing because our own oil companies wouldn't? Saddam did the same in January of 2002 when people in the north were freezing, because none of our oil companies gave a damn. There was an alleged oil shortage. You see how they repaid Saddam don't you?

Are we to forget all the oil tankers Chavez sent here to help the people in NOLA, and the USA when gas went sky high and those people were in need? What do you suppose happened to those tankers? The people of NOLA never received them.

Are we to forget the CIA (who swears they are the best at what they do) bungled their assassination attempts 3 times against Chavez, an elected official of a sovereign country, forcing him to protect himself and his country from the Cheney's Empire?

I don't think the problem is with Chavez. I think the problem is right here at home. We have let this Vatican 'Amnesty' government have control far too long and it's costing us. They have made our neighbors our enemies. They are using our assets and our blood to pull the world into their NWO.

Chavez is a thorn in their side, and this too is planned because that is a Catholic country and the Vatican has control in all of the Americas.

Our new enemies are manufactured and slandered to produce our fear and hate so we'll feel outrage and want to go to war with them. We keep falling for the same scenario because we don't think!

If Chavez is arming his country it's in self defense, and because we have bases in S. America and he's already been threatened by our forces in Columbia. Chavez has a right to protect himself and his country.

we do have something to worry about if we don't start leaving other countries alone. We interfere, and oust their elected leaders, and there's a price to pay for it, other than that they just hate us.

Since the majority of our oil comes from Mexico and Venezuela, we'd be cutting our own throats to cease buying gas from these outlets. That's the way I see it. There's no shortage of oil, there's just more and more people control and that can be done because we are totally dependent on the economy, instead of ourselves.

Everyday I count my blessings that I can walk anywhere in the USA, and not detonate a mine and blow my leg off. But I'm afraid those days will soon be over. Nowhere on this earth will be safe. And we have the Vatican and our spineless congress to thank for this insanity by power crazy idiots.

I would rather buy my gas from Chavez of Venezuela, than any other American oil company, because it is they that have forced the price of gas up. It is they that could care less if old folks froze to death in the north, or people suffered in NOLA.

Let us not return evil for good. Chavez is only protecting his country from a possible invasion planned by the CIA into his country. We'd do the same.

And yes, we will vote for Ron Paul. Take that one to the bank.