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Fake Border Security?

Rod Remelin

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, the Senate bill forbids the federal government from building a fence without first consulting with the Mexican government."

"In fact, state and local governments are also forbidden by this bill to take any border control actions without first consulting with their Mexican counterparts. In other words, if the city of San Diego wants to put up any sort of barriers, it would have to consult with the municipal authorities in Tijuana before doing so."

Sowell makes a very serious allegation and if he's correct, the Senate provision for a fence on the border was nothing more than a pathetic shell game -- a cruel joke on the American people -- or as Sowell says later in the same article: "This legislation was never about border control. The laws already on the books at this very moment allow us to control the borders, to build any fence we choose, without consulting the government of Mexico.

"In other words, we have make -believe border control and the current Senate legislation will weaken even that, all the while talking about "tough" enforcement. That "tough" enforcement is a promise ut legalizing illegal aliens is immediate and irrevocable and its consequences irreversible and lasting far into the future.

"'Border control' is just political cover for legalizing illegal aliens. The two things are put together in a package deal that is like horse-and-rabbit stew, whose ingredients are one horse and one rabbit. Border control is the rabbit."

There's No Such Thing As A Free Lunch

Economist Milton Friedman said, "There's no such thing as a free lunch." For the same reason, "There's no such thing as cheap labor" -- not when it comes to illegal aliens.

Vernon Robinson, a GOP congressional candidate in North Carolina, summarized the problems posed by 12 million illegal immigrants:

"These illegal aliens are taking jobs away from American citizens and they're sponging off the American taxpayer. They're overflowing our public schools and colleges for a FREE EDUCATION, scamming our welfare and food stamp programs for a FREE HAND-OUT, filling our court rooms as criminal defendants, swarming our hospital emergency rooms for FREE MEDICAL CARE, and

clogging the line at the DMV."

Perhaps you think Robinson is being a little harsh but to understand what he is talking about, let's look at how the Senate amnesty bill would benefit a fictional family of six illegal aliens. The head of the household fraudulently obtained a Social Security number years ago but NEVER filed an income tax return. However, since the Senate amnesty bill requires him to "pay" some of his back taxes, he files an income tax return.

And -- because he worked for ABC Corporation at a ridiculously low wage -- he receives an "earned income credit" of up to $3,200 for each filing year! That's a clear profit of $1,200 over the so-called $2,000 fine he'll have to pay. And that's just for one year's worth of taxes. That money comes out of YOUR pocket.

In addition, this family of illegal aliens also receives low-cost Section 8 housing and federal help with the rent. Once again, you foot the bill. This family of six will also receive food stamps, free medical care under Medicaid and free school lunches. Once again, you pay.

In other words, ABC Corporation gets cheap labor and the American taxpayer foots the bill.