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Hispanics Admit They Are Engaged In "Civil War" Within the United States

Hal Turner

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This video PROVES beyond any doubt, the people marching in our streets are engaged in a WAR against our nation.

The U.S. Government has failed its duty to protect this land from these invaders; invaders who are openly stating they intend to takeover a portion of this land and carve out their own "Mestizo nation of Aztlan."

The government of the United States, its officers and courts are herewith notified: We will exercise our right of self defense against these people using any and all means available; you are not to interfere.

I call for the Civilian Militias of the fifty States to self-activate, under arms, in defense of our nation. If government will not protect us from these invaders, then we have no government. As such we have a right and a duty to protect ourselves using whatever force is necessary. ~ Hal Turner