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Illegal Immigration Is Not The Problem

Charlie Tuna

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entury and not by illegal immigrants. The message of the anti-immigration view is a contradiction in terms, freedom for us because our forefathers migrated from Europe and seized your land exclusion for you because you are now an illegal alien.

Illegal immigration is not a problem, as much as it is a diversion by an unseen controlling entity to achieve its desired intent. When a dominant manipulative entity creates conflict between two groups neither group wins. An event is engineered then a version of it is communicated as a problem to bring about fear and apathy within the population. The expected and intended reaction will give basis for the means by which the falsely created problem is resolved. This is an indication that the masses are governed by a superior authority. The reaction of the masses is attributed to behavior modification a form of mind control. Public view is sold the false notion of preference by maintaining groups in apparent opposition to each other. The majority thinks that they are involved in a legitimate fight for what they indisputably think is true, but in reality they are being manipulated.

The only thing that the illegal immigration issue will bring about is the desire of the state. The state desires more control over your life but if restrictions were forced upon the population by executive order there would be outrage, resistance and rebellion. Fear is the main method of control fear of scarcity, loss, and economic depression. Because you fear that foreigners are moving in on what is yours you will demand that the border is sealed and that restrictions and regulations are put in place to ensure that this does not happen. Yes, the state will give all that you demand. The state also wants the multi-million dollar yearly tax revenue of the estimated 20 million illegal aliens now in the US. Ultimately, the state will impose all the restrictions that you demand to control illegal immigration but it will also continue to allow aliens to come into the country as it always has so that they can be taxed and so they can contribute to the US economy. The federal governments now requires all US citizens must have a national ID card by May 2008, it wants to collect your personal data and create a national database, it wants to restrict your freedom to travel outside the country at will. When borders are sealed to keep people out they can also keep people in.

Illegal immigration will stop when third world countries are free from the political and economic control of the US government and corporations. The manipulation of trade and debt by American corporations has created unbelievable poverty in third world countries where money is redirected from the poor to the rich. Third world countries have been convinced that the best way to succeed is to give up their land and to use it to grow cash crops for western countries. Then they are forced to import food from these western countries. Free trade agreements have been used to redirect cash flow, create dependency and have allowed the powerful to exploit the weak. Despite the rapid and enormous economic growth in the last century half of the world’s population lives in poverty. The financial power of major banks and corporations have cause many community business to fail by unfair market rigged competition. Hundreds of thousands of children die every year from hunger-related diseases while the land that could nourish them is used to boost the earnings of multi-nationals and the rich in general.