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Mexican Aliens and the NWO Plan Behind It

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Mexican alien mob invisible extremist invasion where most of the people haven't notices yet or comprehend the movement behind it.

The plan of the NWO it's to move illegal Pro Mexican Nationalists immigrants extremist (aliens) into the U.S. and Canada who are advocating the liberation of their native land against the Europeans Nazi as their main political views.

In doing so, all the illegal Mexican getting into our borders in both of our countries are literally invading us as we are under attack by a black op. C.I.A. (NWO Nazi) destabilisation operation in collaboration with the secret service of both Mexican and Canadian with their black branch respectively and the rest of the black government. (Globalist, Iluminati)

Their main goal it's to create a gigantic aliens invasion with Pro Mexican Nationalists extremists by creating an gigantic all out riot all over the North America with extreme cultural tension at the end for the creation of the super martial law at the a continental level.

Because the North America it's a huge multicultural meltingpot where you have all the societies of the world regrouping in one super power as the U.S. it's making a ideal place for creating ethnic tension battleground for the NWO plan. If you observe closely it's the same kind of operation the C.I.A. have made all around the world by destabilizing countries like the third world in Africa and the rest of the World. In fact, it's a much more gigantic complex operation here in America because of the complexity to take a big liberty fortress and ramification as well. In fact, they are totally crazy in doing this as well they serious that's why we have to fight them with a lot of brightness at the end. They are extremely dangerous as crazy, indeed.

Creating the critical mass riot for implementation of a Super Continental Martial Law in North American by the mean to destroying North America and his citizen as well

Because the secret government want to absolutely control the North America, it's obvious they need a scenario in witch people will not notice what they are doing with all their evils plans.

Because we all know who are behind the plot at the top level like Senior Bush. and the rest of the puppets like Vicente Fox, G.W. Bush clones and Steve Harper who all of them are facade agents for the NWO, the real threat come from the G. Bush Senior who is really behind all this with the rest of the Neoconservatives (Skull&Bones) and the black government(Globalist or Illuminati) and so on.

Right now, their plan is mostly done at 85%. Why I am saying that it's because most of the United State as being well invade but not as well as the U.S. in Canada where I can see for the moment less Pro Mexican but their concentration is getting up at a alarming rate here to. Most of them are in big cities where the NWO want to control them because of their strategic importance in term of geographic position as well for their demographic situation like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Denver, New York as well as Montreal in Quebec, Canada and so on. In fact, if you are controlling the big cities, then, you can't have a major revolt against you as well. It's just logical!

When all the region in most of North America will be enough invaded by the Pro Mexican and the Pro Chinese in Vancouver in Canada as Pro Quebeckers here in Quebec you will see emerge an immense flow of aliens Pro Mexican nationalists extremists who are coming from nowhere as you did see in L.A. and Chicago asking for their land being given to them because of their ancestral possession and all Nazi connection and so on. At this point of the situation everything it's going to degenerate very quickly and you will see emerge an extreme cultural tension where the NWO agenda, hopefully for them, the people will going to divide at this stage of the destabilization operation by fighting each others where it's the starting point the entire operation and where it's going to be at a near point of no return. So it's quite easy to see what's going to happen, but also, it's q uite difficult to try to stop it when it's begun.

How can we stop the NWO agenda by regrouping the people together and form a gigantic opposition where all the people are going to fight on the same side and rule out the NWO from the U.S. and the North America forever!

When you are divining people you need to manipulate them by propaganda in witch they will follow you like sheep. So, logically what you have to do it's not following the bad propaganda.

In doing so, WE MUST, to stop them, reverse and make counter-propaganda NOW with the most largest and quickest counter-propaganda of the history of this humanity as known! In another term, the impossible!

So we have to attack them with everything we have by making counter-propaganda large enough to shift the people on our side! It's a psychological warfare against the good and the bad at national super-power level. The bad are strong and the good are at the stage of collapsing, we have to reverse it and now! That's the real challenge my friends!

In theory, because the NWO are in the final stage of their plan, we have to create a ''Strike Propaganda at the continental level'' if we want to stop their plans!

It's simple as saying we have to make the impossible! If we may just have a chance to win against them we have to try something and really quickly because we are running out of time!

Well to say a least, we are in a position that we play our last effort for the future of this planet. If we do nothing it's all over for us!! But let's try something!

Because our chance is very low to succeed we have to find a way to regroup every truth patriot we can on our side. That's mean now! Because the clock is running out of time so the only hope we really have it's to regrouping the rest of the patriot who really want to fight back the NWO and hopping this movement will be enough to overthrow out of this continent the NWO forever. We must win against our enemy for the seek and the good of the land we call North America, our free land of freedom and liberty of our forefathers who have created for the good of their citizens by is spiritual means as consciousness means for god who are protecting us at the en

It's all I have to say!

If we fail, then, at the end, the Galactic Confederation will be forces to intervene with all the bad consequences. In fact, the scenario of the ascension will not be at his best because we fail. Just be sure we can fight back these bastards ourselves without our allies come directly before we did!!!!!!!!! Because we need to retake our revenge by the way WE MUST QUICK THEM OUT OURSELVES OF OUR FREE LAND WE CALL AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR THE SEEK OF GOD!!!!!!!! OUR CREATOR!!!!!!