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Breaking News: Congress To Attempt Smaller "Amnesty" For Illegal Aliens This Month!

Hal Turner

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When they defied us by resurrecting the Bill in the US Senate, I upped-the-ante by revealing the home addresses and phone numbers of the 64 US Senators who dared defy us. Twelve hours later, 18 of those 64 senators changed their vote and killed the Immigration Reform Bill. . . . but a whole slew of members of the US House of Representatives are defying us yet again!

As such, I have begun work compiling the home addresses and phone numbers for all members of the US House of Representatives.

It is quite clear that they are not going to stop this defiance until one or more of them are made examples of. Sadly, it appears we're going to have to do exactly that.

More details on this later. Please check back. . .

Hal Turner