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The Amnesty Joke

From: William Wright

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homes, schools and country. Soon they will have their own kind behind them in politics in every State. Now they have the power because the Vatican is behind them. (See the Bishops and Cardinals on TV urging them on) Who gains by a Catholic nation? Who's coffers get filled. Money is power.

La Raza says: "All for the race For those outside the race. . . nothing."

You can shove your amnesty. They don't need it and they really don't want it. Most of them have been living here for years, speaking spanish with no thought of becoming citizens or even expressed a need for amnesty. There's too many of them for that. It is you and I who will have to apply for citizenship to THEIR country before long.

Congress wouldn't be playing amnesty games if they'd have done their duty according to their oath of office and stopped this thing at the border 50 years ago. But the deep pockets were jingling.

And why aren't the head honcho's in Mexico being blamed for this invasion. You know, the elite with all the money from our donations of foreign aid, and what Mexicans send home? They have proven they cannot run a country, and have made a mess of it since they kicked out the Spaniards. Now they just sit back exempted from the turmoil, and laugh at us Americans in our attempt to salvage our entire country from their bastard offspring. Mestizos. Their overpopulation. I guess raising their kids is our job now.

I agree, they have a right to live. In Mexico.

What will it take to get them to make a U-turn? There must be plenty of room in Mexico now with more than 30 million of them up here. Maybe it would be a great place to retire, who knows?