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Illegal Aliens Could Collect Valuable Social Security Benefits

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he fallout will be CATASTROPHIC – plunging Social Security further into debt and putting YOUR retirement security in jeopardy. Send a message to Congress today ( ) and tell them to say No to the U.S.-Mexico Totalization Treaty.

Currently our government has entered into 20 some totalization agreements with nations – mostly in Europe and Asia – that have economic parity to the U.S. They are designed to ensure that U.S. workers in other countries are not inflicted with burdensome double taxation and are eligible for Social Security credits based on years worked abroad.

The agreement with Mexico is different:

It will reward Mexican citizens who came to our country and worked illegally by allowing them to collect valuable U.S. Social Security benefits. The Social Security Administration admits that those who worked here using fake Social Security numbers would be rewarded with credits for years of illegal work.

It is projected to be the most costly totalization agreement – more than $300 billion over the next decade. The General Accounting Office admits that the cost of the agreement is highly uncertain and does not consider the millions of current and former unauthorized workers and their families.

It sets a dangerous precedent for encouraging illegal immigration. The Census Bureau estimates that there are as many as 11 million illegal aliens from Mexico living and working in the U.S. The Mexican government has made no secret of the fact that it encourages its workers to travel to the U.S., find work, and send money back to Mexico. Income from Mexicans living abroad is the second highest contributor to the country’s GDP.

It is crucial that Congress act now and stop this potential giveaway of billions of valuable Social Security dollars to illegal aliens from Mexico. Hard-working Americans pay taxes each and every day to support our Social Security system. At a time when Social Security is ill-prepared to keep its promise to Americans, it makes no sense allow illegal immigrants to reap the benefits.

Send a message to your Members of Congress today!