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Senate Poised to Debate DREAM Act - Call Your Senators and Object!!!

Federation for American Immigration Reform

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ssibility that the DREAM Act would be resurrected. Calling the bill "amnesty," he said, "We may be headed for another immigration battle."

The DREAM Act does two things: (1) it grants amnesty to illegal aliens who entered the country before the age of 16 and have met certain educational requirements and (2) it reverses current law to allow states to provide in-state tuition to illegal aliens while charging non-resident U.S. citizens out-of-state tuition.

The DREAM Act creates a three-tiered system to grant amnesty to illegal aliens who arrived in the U.S. before the age of 16.

" Illegal aliens who are over 12 and are enrolled in primary or secondary school are eligible for a stay of removal.

" Illegal aliens who have obtained a high school diploma or a GED, or have simply been admitted to an institution of higher education, are eligible for conditional lawful permanent resident status (conditional LPR status). There is NO CAP ON THE NUMBER OF ALIENS who may receive conditional LPR status, there is NO AGE LIMIT, and such status MAY BE EXTENDED INDEFINITELY.

" Illegal aliens who have already obtained conditional LPR status under the act and have also completed at least 2 years of a degree program or 2 years in the military are eligible for legal permanent resident status (LPR status).

Act now to stop the DREAM Act!!! Supporters of the DREAM Act insist that the legislation is not an amnesty and that it is only intended to help children. However, the details of the bill clearly prove that their claims are false! Please call your Senators TODAY, FRIDAY, and NEXT WEEK to let them know you oppose the DREAM Act. Tell them you strongly oppose rewarding illegal immigration with amnesty. Even if the children only entered with their illegal alien parents, those illegal alien parents are rewarded when their children become eligible to receive a U.S. education paid for by taxpayer dollars and are then granted amnesty.