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Pro-Minuteman Grandmother Accosted in Her Home!

Gary G. Kreep

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er of legal immigration. She says, “Our government seemed to be consciously neglecting the enforcement of immigration laws, I felt the need to join with others and selected the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps”. Semler believes in an America where people respect and obey the laws of the land and feels that one of the major threats to a moral way of life is coming from illegal immigration.

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Because of her willingness to stand up for what she believes in, she has come under-fire from ruthless liberals. La Raza, a Hispanic rights organization, has threatened to cancel their 2009 convention that is to be held in Kansas City because Semler holds the beliefs she does. The NAACP is also gunning for her and they have urged her to step down from her position.

There are even those on her own recreation board that want her gone. Councilwoman Beth Gottstein says that Semler should resign for her affiliation with the Minutemen because they are “just one step away from the KKK.” Two of the largest civil rights groups in American are ganging up on this grandmother like a lynch mod violatiing her civil rights instead of protecting her when people in her own community are saying she is a racist, but Frances Semler is not alone and does not intend to run away, step down or hide.

The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps won’t leave anyone behind to fight on their own. The United States Justice Foundation is a group of lawyers who have risen to defend Minutemen who have come under attack. The USJF provides pro-bono legal aid for upstanding Minutemen just like Frances Semler. The Minuteman Protection Program was created for times just like these. The USJF has contacted Semler and has learned firsthand that she intends to stand against this unjust harassment and retain her position on the Kansas City Parks Recreation Board. She will not stand alone, the USJF will be there, to watch her back and give her the finest legal support she can receive.

The USJF have a proven track record of winning case after case that has unjustly been brought against Minuteman members. These cases have been won with the support of people just like you. People who believe in a secure America; an America where people have the right to believe what they want without being persecuted have donated to the USJF. People just like you donate to the Minuteman Protection Program and the USJF because they want the future of America to be bright for their families, and their children’s families.

Support Frances Semler and the many other brave Minutemen volunteers work day in and day out to secure our great nation. Donate now to the Minuteman Protection Program to ensure that this 73 year old grandmother and every other Minuteman can be at peace in their own homes.

The Minutemen are the largest National Citizens Neighborhood Watch - Securing the American Border this country has. The more than 8,000 volunteers of the Minutemen Defense Corps have reduced the unchecked flow of illegal aliens crossing the border in their patrolled areas by as much as 90%. On the other hand, the government has yet to take action and create an effective presence to defend our border and it is doubtful they will do anything about it in the future. Because of their effectiveness Minutemen have been chastised and assaulted by liberals on all fronts. Minuteman volunteers have been sent hate mail, threats of bodily harm, and have been the victims of physical attacks. While the brave Minuteman volunteers are out on the border and in local communities defending our country they are being stabbed in the back by some of the very people they are defending. These valiant and honorable volunteers need legal support from USJF, and they are getting it.

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Even more difficult battles are on the horizon for USJF. Support the USJF and their efforts to defend America’s security, economy, and future from this very real threat by sending a donation. The only way that we can avert this crisis is for the brave people of the United States to take action against it. YOUR actions make a difference! YOUR donation to the USJF is supporting liberty and justice for ALL!

My friend, I need to hear from you today

With Justice for all,

Gary G. Kreep

United States Justice Foundation

Minuteman Protection Program

P.S. Your most generous donation NOW will allow USJF to spring into action immediately rather than our having to delay because we have to raise funds to cover our court costs. We must be prepared, because, as you have seen in the recent demonstrations in our major cities, the special interest groups and globalists arrayed against the Minutemen are moving quickly to deploy in opposition to every security initiative the Minutemen propose. Please help USJF act to defend these valiant citizen-volunteers, as they continue to defend America!

Please Contribute to Minuteman Legal Battles!  Or Send Checks to:

United States Justice Foundation

Minuteman Protection Program

Dept Code 938

P.O. Box 131567

Houston, TX 77219-1567

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