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e the truth about the well executed inside bombing of the Federal building in OKC and of the planned and carried out extermination of the majority of Church members at Waco.

Many lawmen and soldiers now have the hard evidence (including our two police and military associations) to know for sure our internationalist criminal government leaders planned and carried out these mini-holocausts on fellow Americans, but so far none who were directly involved in these two government mass murder plots (for political gain) have felt the need to bring an eyewitness account of these monumental atrocities to the attention of the sovereign people.

I hope all who read this note from this old patriotic cop and soldier, will continue to pray with me that one day, one of our brothers or sisters, with understandably heavy hearts over these planned mass atrocities, will get down on their knees in prayer to the only One who can forgive them, ask forgiveness, then get up (as they know in their hearts they should) and come forward with the truth as they experienced it.

Of course, our peers who were involved, should be smart enough to know that if they tell of their plans of bringing the truth out to the American people, before they actually do so, they will not live to accomplish this important patriotic, self-cleaning task. However, these peers of ours should also know that there are those who these brave brothers and sisters can trust to be sure that their story gets out to the public before they are "taken-out" by the very international criminal elite politicos who planned and executed these April 19th. mass murders. As Director of the CIA, Bill Casey, said to a friend of mine, Senator John DeCamp, as he was about to write his book The Franklin Cover-up, - "get your story out and then there is little use in killing you in an attempt to keep you quiet." This true

suggestion to Senator DeCamp came some months before he (Director Bill Casey) was drowned/murdered by the same international criminal elite who are in control of our government today.

A word to the wise. Live the rest of your lives to serve God and the American people, as we soldiers and peace officers are all sworn to do.

Whom ever does come forward to tell the truth, will not only cleans their souls, but will be looked upon by many of their peers and the American people as a American hero. For their good and honorable efforts in assisting to bring to justice those in high places, who continue today to kill masses of Americans for political, and financial gain they will be highly honored. And much good will come from such expos'e, i.e., we pray such exposure will stop the next planned covert government terrorist attacks on our fellow Americans to psychologically push (through anger and fear) Americans to support the next attacks/wars against more Arib nations "who never attacked and never would have, attacked the USA." Think and pray about it.

With a heavy heart, this old retired cop and soldier, gives, but one, of the list of shame for those fellow officers and soldiers involved in the government criminal acts and the political and judicial cover-ups of April 19th. - American Days of Infamy.:



APRIL 19, 1993

Allegations (an important word) against Mr. Koresh were sensationalized to excuse the massacre of at least 86 members of his religious congregation. These peoples' closest neighbors, farming families, never feared them or considered them troublesome.

Many persons seem to believe that these religious persons were behaving illegally. Precisely what laws were these men, women and children violating? Do you really understand how important both probable cause and due process are to us all?

The killing was deliberate and savage. The murder scene was bulldozed before any evidence could be examined. I recently read an article run by the national press referring to "the botched Waco raid." One thing is certain: the Waco raid was far from "botched." The word "raid" made me think back to my college days of the "panty raids" held by idiotic pampered young fraternity men on campus.

The Waco raid was waged by firing guns from helicopters directly into the home and headquarters of a religious congregation. A lethally toxic gas was used on these men, women and children. Armored tanks were accompanied by BATF assault troops with automatic weapons. U.S. Government agents arrived equipped with weapons to kill, which they used. It is as simple as that.

The following is a partial list of those murdered on April 19, 1993 by employees of the government of the United States of America and financed by taxpayers:

Katherin Andrade, 24

Jennifer Andrade, 19

Aldrick Bennett, 35

Susan Benta, 31

Mary Jean Borst, 49

Pablo Cohen, 38

Yvette Fagan, 34

Doris Fagan, 60

Lisa Marie Farris, 26

Ray Friesen, 76

Dayland Gent, 3

Diana Henry, 28

Paulina Henry, 24

Phillip Henry, 22

Stephen Henry, 26

Vanessa Henry, 19

Zilla Henry, 55

Novellette Hipsman, 36

Floyd Houtman, 61

Cyrus Howell, 8

Rachel Howell, 23

Star Howell, 6

Sherri Lynn Jewell, 43

David Michael Jones, 38

Michelle Jones, 18

Serenity Sea Jones, 4

Bobbie Lane Koresh, 16 months

David Koresh, 33

Jeffery Little, 31

Nicole Elizabeth Gent Little, 24

Livingston Malcolm, 26

Douglas Wayne Martin, 42

Lisa Martin, 13

Sheila Martin, 15

Abigail Martinez, 11

Audrey Martinez, 13

Juliete Santoyo Martinez, 30

Crystal Martinez, 3

Isiah Martinez, 4

Joseph Martinez, 30

Jillane Matthews

Alison Bernadette Monbelly, 31

Melissa Morrison, 6

Rosemary Morrison, 29

Sonia Murray, 29

Theresa Noberega, 48

James Riddle, 32

Rebecca Saipaia, 24

Judy Schneider, 41

Mayanah Schneider, 2

Steve Schneider, 48

Laraine B. Silva, 40

Floracita Sonobe, 34

Scott Kojiro Sonobe, 35

Aisha Gyarfas Summers, 17

Gregory Allen Summers, 28

Startle Summers, 1

Hollywood Sylvia

Lorraine Sylvia, 40

Rachel Sylvia, 13

Doris Vaega

Margarida Joanna Vaega, 47

Neal Vaega, 37

Martin Wayne, 20

Mark H. Wendell

Stan Sylvia (a sect member) pretty well summed it up. He said, "Let's examine what really happened here...Whatever you think of us, it doesn't give anybody a right to come and and kill helpless women and children."

It is preposterous that so many people in the United States are quick to want to believe that "they had it coming to them" or to believe the murderers' stories that this group killed their children and themselves.

It now looks as if no one will ever be held accountable. In fact, surviving defenders and victims are being prosecuted, at law, by the government.

The murders at Waco were not the action of one or more disaffected individuals. They were carried out by "the authorities", sanctioned at the highest levels of government, and financed by U.S. taxpayers.

WACO MUST BE REMEMBERED until major changes occur.

You can get the picture of what really happened — unless you have an emotional patriotic need to believe the lies of an increasingly out-of-control criminal government:

The Unwarranted Warrant: The Waco Search Warrant and the Decline of the Fourth Amendment.

Cato Institute Analysis

Evidence Waco fire intentionally started by U.S. government