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Politicians. . . Practice What THe Immigration Laws of Mexico Preach

Kaye Grogan

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rty has lost its way, and the inability to govern effectively, the Democrats should stop their gloating, because they are in the same wobbly boat.

Why should the Republicans maintain power when they don't know what to do with it? It is obvious when a Democrat tells a Republican to jump, the Republican not only trembles, but foolishly asks: "how high?"

People are so fed up many are threatening a massive write-in revolt just to rid the country of politicians pandering to one another. Both parties need a wake-up call. I'm talking about the "pail of water" in your face awakening, to bring many back to their senses.

There should be little if any discussion about the way to deal with the illegal immigration issue, before a bill is passed, that remedies the situation in an effective way. There is only one way (period) to deal with lawbreakers, and that is to punish them, not reward them. How much jawing should this take?

Why do we need leaders who can't even make sure our borders are secure? And we are paying these guys and gals big bucks annually to just throw their hands up in the air?

Here's the real problem with widespread illegal immigration entries: Corporate America has found a way to ditch American workers by soliciting and hiring illegals for the following reasons: 1) they will be afraid to vote in a union. 2) because they are illegal and afraid they will be caught, therefore the employer is the benefactor by paying cheap wages to and without demands from illegal employees. 3) illegals don't have social security numbers (unless they are bogus), so wallah! — they don't pay taxes where they can be identified or listed as taxpayers through the IRS. 4) since extensive welfare programs are offered to illegals — employers escape paying into individual healthcare insurance coverage, because you the hard-working taxpayers are footing the medical bills for them. 5) every time a child is born to an illegal couple they are compensated from $400-600 a month. And depending on how many "anchor babies" are born — will determine how much money they rake in during the process. In other words, this unfair process could make having babies a real profitable career in itself.

And guess what? If you thought the Social Security fund is going for broke due to baby boomers, just wait until 12-50 million (granted amnesty) immigrants bring their parents, grandparents, uncles, and aunts to America. You might even have to buy dog and cat food for their pets.

Not only will you (Americans) be the minority — you'll be the "poor as dirt" minority if things keep going the way they are.

There is only one way for both political parties to possibly redeem themselves, and save their modern day "titanic" from sinking: 1) they need to put the rights and needs of the American citizens first. 2) they need to get serious about securing our borders, and stop pandering to other countries at the expense of national security. 3) they need to make sure that our people are taken care of first, and foremost — especially, the senior citizens. 4) they need to quit voting (in secret) to turn over nine military facilities to a foreign country like Dubai Ports Deal to compensate them for the six ( 22? ) ports deal fallout. 5) they need to realize American leaders are representatives, not members of royalty. 6) they need to become familiar once again with the "Bill of Rights" and act accordingly. 7) they need to realize that they have an obligation to not only enact laws, but to set examples by following them. 8) they have the responsibility of making laws preserving life, not passing laws to legalize murder. 9) they need to quit accepting big donations from special interests' groups, so they won't be beholden in return for big favors. 10) they need to realize they are not just representing their respective states, but all of America. 11) they need to restore stability and order back to the constitution of marriage. 12) they need to make sure that the American culture and traditional values are respected by all, regardless of where a person migrates from.

Let's look at the immigration laws of Mexico:

Foreigners may not in any way participate in the political affairs of the country. This ban applies, among other things, to participation in demonstrations and the expression of opinions in public about domestic politics.

Equal employment rights are denied to immigrants, even legal ones, even those with green cards.

Only citizens may serve in the military as officers, on airline crews , and chiefs of seaports and airports.

Members of both houses of Congress as well as the Supreme Court must be a citizen by birth.

Immigrants — even legal ones — may not become members of the clergy.

Foreigners, legal or illegal, may not own land.

Any citizen may arrest illegal immigrants and their accomplices, turning them over without delay to the nearest authorities.

Foreigners, legal or otherwise, may be expelled for any reason and without due process.

We need to practice what they preach!

And that's just my opinion!


Kaye Grogan is a freelance writer who lives in Virginia. She writes, produces, and hosts a daily commentary called "Viewpoint" on her local radio station. She has written op-eds and articles for the Daily Republican newspaper. She also writes editorials for online newspapers and local papers.

Kaye has many published poems, one published book, and has been featured in a popular woman's national magazine. She is currently working on two books for children. Her hobbies include photography and she has won photo contests all over the world.