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by Charles Miller

December 21st 2018

Dear Mr. Trump, my President,

My obligations to my President are simple and direct. Speak my mind to you, trust your judgement, and report to you what I perceive as mistakes, for your review.

The mistake presented here covers the illegal support of illegal immigrant parties lack of standing in federal courts. This core fundamentals of jurisdiction and venue destroys judicial activism on the part of foreign nationals in our country illegally.

Demand via TWEET stream, the judges and attorneys, identify from federal statutes, the authority to recognize standing of illegal immigrants to invoke federal jurisdiction, or protection of our law to challenge standing federal statutes.

The diversity statutes controlling federal courts do not recognize illegals as having standing to sue. Nor do these diversity statutes recognize the right of any American to invoke federal jurisdiction on behalf of illegal immigrants, either without our boarders or with in the country illegally. Civil rights jurisdiction jurisdiction does not extend foreigners here illegally.

No federal court is recognized as having jurisdiction over either the parties or subject matter when no federal statute is identified. The federal courts are Congressional creations of limited jurisdiction. Once jurisdiction is challenged it must be proven on the record nunc pro tunc, or, the action is void.

There is no controversy possible between illegal immigrants and the government because the illegal cannot be recognized as having standing to challenge US statutes.

The Chief Magistrate is required to enforce the statutes as written. A simple public request to all federal judges to assist the government in identifying the statutes allowing illegals to challenge our law or acts surrounding administration of our laws, exposes DIVIDED LOYALTY and high crimes.


Charles Miller

Dear Donald        John Trump December 21st 2018
