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Tijuana Mexico

Democrats are working overtime to defend the caravan.

It is full of criminals and gang members from South America.

But while Democrats are defending them, you won’t believe who is working to stop them right now.

Democrat Lies About The Caravan

Democrats want you to believe that Donald Trump is bad and the caravan is good.

They show pictures of young children and women while ignoring mobs of criminals roaming around in the caravan.

So when Trump calls the caravan an invasion, they lie about who he’s attacking.

But most of America sees through the lies being pushed by the leftwing media.

Virtually every poll shows massive support for border security.

And that sentiment is shared by every demographic.

One number that always shocks Democrats is Hispanic opposition to illegal immigration.

It turns out that legal immigrants don’t like illegal immigration.

And that opinion isn’t exclusive to the U.S.

There are a lot of people in Mexico who share the same belief.

They also see the caravan pushing across their country as an invasion.

And many of those people are working to stop the caravan.

Mexicans Stand Against The Caravan

The caravan is gathering in the border city of Tijuana.

Thousands are working their way to the border to illegally cross into the U.S.

U.S. Troops are on the other side stopping them.

But on the Mexico side of the border, they are also dealing with angry locals.

Thousands are marching against the caravan.

They are chanting “Mexico First,” while agreeing with Trump’s assertion they are an invasion.

Signs saying things like “No illegals” are commonplace.

The Mayor of Tijuana was even seen sporting a red “Make Tijuana Great Again” hat.

Demonstrators sounded a lot like President Trump in their opposition to the caravan.

“Tijuana is a place that welcomes anyone, but you must have papers, you must identify yourself,” said one demonstrator.

“We work hard here. We don’t get handouts. The government shouldn’t be giving things to migrants when plenty of Mexicans are in a difficult position,” he continued.

These demonstrations are a major blow for the caravan.

They are trying to make it seem as though Trump is alone in his opposition toward them.

The Caravan Moves On

Even with Mexican opposition, those in the caravan are still trying to push forward.

They are hoping to cross into the U.S.

Once inside, they will either slip under the radar and go to a sanctuary city or try to gain asylum.

Along with keeping them out of the country, Trump is also trying to remove incentives to come inside.

He is working to end birthright citizenship, which gives expectant mothers a massive incentive to enter the U.S.

Trump is also working to bar those who enter the country illegally from gaining asylum.

But the biggest thing he is trying to do is building a wall on the border.

A wall will make it extremely difficult for would-be illegal immigrants to cross into the U.S.

But so far little progress has been made, largely due to Democrat opposition.