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1,960 refugees enter U.S. on Trump's watch

Leo Hohmann

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The U.N.’s massive Dadaab camp in Kenya sends a steady stream of Somali refugees to the United States. More than 200 Somalis have entered the U.S. as refugees since Trump’s first full day in office.

Since Donald Trump’s first full day in the White House on Jan. 21, the U.S. has imported nearly 2,000 refugees from around the world, with about half coming from Muslim-dominated countries.

The expected executive orders to halt all resettlements of refugees for four months while the administration searches for a better system of vetting was originally said to be coming Thursday, but it now appears that was premature.

Friday may be the day. Some sources say it could be put off until Saturday.

For every day the administration fails to act, hundreds more refugees arrive from the Third World.

On Thursday alone, 541 United Nations-selected refugees arrived in the United States.

Among the nations that are sending Muslims to the U.S. as “refugees,” the following are the numbers that have entered since Trump took office:

  • Syria – 266
  • Somalia – 211
  • Burma 185
  • Iraq 183
  • Sudan 37
  • Afghanistan 13


“For every day that the Trump administration drags its feet, we see a continuation of the transformation of our cities and towns that was fast-tracked under President Obama,” said Ann Corcoran, who follows the refugee industry at Refugee Resettlement Watch.

“My guess is he’s getting enormous pushback on this from [House Speaker] Paul Ryan and [Senate Majority Leader] Mitch McConnell and other globalists in Congress,” she said. “I suspect this is about cheap immigrant labor and their efforts to keep the flow of that labor coming into the country.”

There are also fears that the program will continue largely in its current form with the addition of something called “extreme vetting.”

Extreme vetting would not have stopped a single one of the eight bloody terrorist attacks carried out on U.S. soil over a recent 18 month period leading up to Dec. 1, 2016. Each of the eight attacks was carried out by a Muslim migrant who came to the U.S. as a child or the son of a migrant, making vetting a moot point.

Watch video trailer for the hottest new immigration book of 2017, “Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest through Immigration and Resettlement Jihad.”

While he may have let another day lapse on refugee resettlement, Trump was not idle on other immigration issues Thursday.

Trump attended a GOP congressional retreat Thursday and called for the “immediate removal” of criminal illegals. Estimates put the number of criminal aliens residing in the U.S. at more than 2 million.

White House Press Secretary Shawn Spicer said the border wall could be funded with a 20 percent import tax on Mexican goods, as well as taxes on goods from other nations with which the U.S. has a trade deficit.

It doesn’t make sense, Spicer said, to continue the unfair policy of taxing U.S. goods that leave the country while not taxing goods coming in from overseas.

Watch Spicer talk about how the administration might pay for the wall in video below:

“By doing it that way, we can do $10 billion a year and easily pay for the wall just through that mechanism alone. That’s really going to provide the funding,” Spicer told CNN, referring to a 20 percent tax.

According to the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, Mexico’s exports to the U.S. in 2015 were valued at $316.4 billion.

The trade deficit is estimated to be $50 billion.

“It clearly provides the funding and does so in a way that the American taxpayer is wholly respected,” Spicer told CNN.

Spicer did not answer questions about the impact of the import tax on American consumers, focusing instead on the tax’s benefits for American workers.

President Enrique Peña Nieto on Thursday called off a trip to Washington after President Trump launched his plan to construct a border wall and stressed he would make Mexico pay for it. Trump, speaking at the GOP retreat, said the decision to cancel the meeting with the Mexican president was mutual.

Border chief fired

Obama administration Border Patrol Chief Mark Morgan was asked for his resignation, the agency announced Thursday.

His departure comes just a day after Trump issued a broad set of new directives to Border Patrol agents to step up enforcement of existing laws. He ended Obama’s “catch and release” policy for illegals and announced the hiring of 3,000 new ICE agents.

Morgan was hired just seven months ago. His appointment was the first time in nearly 100 years that a border chief had been named from outside the agency, Fox News reported.

His last day will be Jan. 31.

Morgan once supported immigration reform, including amnesty for illegals.

Senior State Department officials axed

Meanwhile, CNN reported that the Trump administration asked the senior management of the U.S. State Department to leave. Most of them were political appointees who should have resigned by now but didn’t.

The State Department is in charge of handing out visas and administering the refugee resettlement program, although most of the actual resettlement work is done by government contractors affiliated with the Catholic Church, the Lutheran Church, the Episcopalians, Church World Services, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society and the evangelical group World Relief.

Mexican president demands ‘respect’ from Trump

Hours after Trump signed executive orders to curb illegal immigration, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto promised to protect Mexicans in the United States by providing legal aid.

“Where there is a Mexican migrant at risk that requires our support, your country should be there,” Peña Nieto said in a brief address to his nation.

“Our communities are not alone,” Peña Nieto said, according to CNBC. “The Mexican government will provide them with the legal advice, which guarantees the protection they require.”


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