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US contributing millions to help Mexico, Ethiopia and others become resettlement countries

Ann Corcoran

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FW:  Setp. 20, 3016

Maybe it would simply help the world if we told Mexico and Ethiopia to keep their own people at home!

Or, LOL! Maybe Ethiopia can resettle the excess Mexicans flooding the US border, and Mexico will welcome Ethiopian refugees that we still take by the thousands!  (Only countries willing to help refugees were permitted to attend Obama’s summit so Mexico and Ethiopia’s participation strikes me as very funny.)


Obama’s UN team. The gang should all be there for Obama’s special robust refugee summit on Tuesday. That is UN Ambassador Samantha Power behind O. Learn more about her at our Power archive:

One of the many taxpayer-funded goodies Obama will be talking about this week at the United Nations is our recent gift of $11 million to help launch the Emerging Resettlement Countries Joint Support Mechanism (ERCM). Presumably this new bureaucracy (one more UN agency) will be teaching other countries how to resettle refugees using our successful (ha! ha!) model.  Or, is it just one more way to redistribute American wealth?

Here is the press release from the State Department that made me laugh (chock full of their favorite lingo, robust and sustainable got two mentions each)! Emphasis below is mine:

The United States is pleased to announce a contribution of $11 million to the International Organization for Migration (IOM)*** and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to support the Emerging Resettlement Countries Joint Support Mechanism (ERCM), a platform established to help countries create robust and sustainable refugee resettlement programs.

On September 20, 2016, leaders from Jordan, Mexico, Germany, Ethiopia, Sweden, and Canada, as well as UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, will join President Obama in hosting the Leaders’ Summit on Refugees on the margins of this year’s UN General Assembly high-level week. The Summit will bring together governments from around the world that have made new and significant pledges in 2016 to address the most urgent needs of refugees and facilitate long-term durable solutions. Among the goals of the Summit is to double the global number of refugees resettled or admitted legally to third countries. A significant number of countries have stepped forward to launch or expand refugee resettlement efforts [Ethiopia? Mexico?–ed]. It is vital to the success of these efforts that their programs address the legal, administrative, and social challenges that refugees can face.

The U.S. contribution to the ERCM, managed by UNHCR and IOM, will provide both resources and expertise to assist countries in establishing the legal, institutional, and community framework necessary to create robust and sustainable resettlement programs. The ERCM will focus on providing support to newly established resettlement programs and may potentially support other pathways such as family reunification programs, study opportunities, and issuance of humanitarian visas. The United States strongly urges other donors to join in supporting this important mechanism. With full funding, the ERCM could help as many as 10 countries resettle nearly 30,000 refugees over the next three years.

***Up until very recently the IOM was a separate NGO, but has recently been incorporated in to the United Nations.