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Ben Carson confirms eugenics and depopulation agendas are active in America, targeting black people!

Juliel Wilson, staff writer

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Nov. 23, 2015

(NaturalNews) Presidential hopeful Ben Carson is finally pointing out what members of #BlackLivesMatter should have been focusing on all along: The number of African American babies that are aborted every day at Planned Parenthood clinics.

On the August 12 episode of Fox's Your World, the 2016 Republican nomination candidate reiterated his views on Planned Parenthood in which Carson reminded people that the abortion clinic was founded by a racist white woman intent on exterminating the black race.

A known eugenicist, Margaret Sanger strongly believed in eliminating certain groups of people, one of them being African Americans, which is why even today abortion clinics are strategically placed in poor black neighborhoods.

"Maybe I am not objective when it comes to Planned Parenthood, but, you know, I know who Margaret Sanger is, and I know that she believed in eugenics, and one of the reasons you find most of their clinics in black neighborhoods is so that you can find a way to control that population," Carson told Fox's Neil Cavuto.

"I think people should go back and read about Margaret Sanger who founded this place — a woman Hillary Clinton by the way says that she admires. Look and see what many people in Nazi Germany said about her."

"That she was for targeting certain races?" asked Cavuto. "That she was a great person," Carson replied.

While Carson admits that Planned Parenthood is a threat to African Americans, reports have surfaced that he once used donated fetal tissue in the early 90s to conduct brain research.


"Abortion is a racist institution"

"Abortion, by the numbers, is a racist institution," reports, a subdivision of a non-profit dedicated to educating students on "the injustice of abortion."

"That's not to say that all or even most of those who support abortion are racists. Nor does it imply that there are not racists among those who oppose abortion. This statement has nothing to do with agendas or intent. It has everything to do with the simple, undeniable reality that in the United States, abortion kills minority children at more than three times the rate of non-Hispanic, white children."

Each day in the United States, about 3,500 lives are lost due to abortion – much higher than the total number of causalities from the events on 9/11; about 995–1,207 of those are black babies. While African Americans make up about 12.6 percent of the US population, black women accounted for 35.4 percent of all abortions in 2009, according to 2010 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Hispanics make up 16 percent of the population, but accounted for 25 percent of all abortions in 2008, according to data provided by the Guttmacher Institute. The CDC lists the percentage of Hispanic abortions at a little over 20 percent.

Non-Hispanic whites make up about 64 percent of the US population but account for only 36 percent of abortions, or 37.7 percent according to the CDC.

Planned Parenthood targets minority women, sometimes stealing their aborted babies for "research"

Carson is right to be concerned, as the numbers are telling. Minority women are much more at risk for having an abortion. Aware of this fact, Planned Parenthood uses that information to prey on women of lower socioeconomic status, taking their fetuses and selling them for profit.

According to new revelations made public by the Center for Medical Progress, Planned Parenthood has a history of regularly "stealing" aborted babies' organs without obtaining consent from the mother.

Although Planned Parenthood maintained that they always obtain a mother's consent to donate tissue, which is legally required prior to charging biotech companies for "reimbursement costs" or for storing the "organ tissue donation," a former procurement technician says that's not entirely true.

"No, doesn't happen all the time," said Holly O'Donnell, a former blood and tissue procurement technician for StemExpress, a biotech company that purchases dead babies.

Planned Parenthood would not always obtain the consent of "donors," reveals O'Donnell, who added, "The women I worked for were cold. They don't care. They just wanted their money. They don't care that a girl's throwing up in a trash can."
