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Nov. 5, 2015

Refugees Welcome Rally in London as EU Dithers Over Crisis © Photo: Stand Up to Racism

16:58 04.11.2015(updated 16:59 04.11.2015) Get short URL

UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn is to speak at a rally in London Wednesday calling for Britain to open its doors to more refugees as the EU asylum policy lies in tatters with only 116 refugees relocated and the first relocation from Greece taking place on the same day.

Europe is deeply divided over the asylum seeker crisis, with many criticizing German Chancellor Angela Merkel for opening the floodgates to hundreds of thousands of refugees when she declared Germany’s doors were open. Her comments immediately led to thousands fleeing Syria and refugee camps in surrounding countries, as well as Iraq and Afghanistan making their way to Europe.

Hungarian leader Victor Orban and Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico joined others in condemning Merkel for throwing open Germany’s borders to Syrian refugees, saying she has triggered a surge of migrants that Europe cannot cope with.

At first, the main path was via the Mediterranean, with many being killed by undertaking the crossing from Libya or dicing with death crossing from Turkey to Greece and Italy — the two countries that initially bore the brunt of the crisis.

Dangerous ride. Hope for the future. @Refugees

— Paul Spiegel (@pbspiegel) November 3, 2015

Hungary built a 175-km (109-mi) razor-wire fence along its border with Serbia, then another one along its border with Croatia, shortly after announcing that it would close off its border with Croatia altogether.

Slovenia blocked transit from Croatia in September, pepper spraying migrants trying to cross. It later reopened it, but crossing to 2,500 migrants per day. Austria introduced some border controls along its border with Hungary in September and Germany placed temporary travel restrictions from Austria by rail.

Asylum Disarray

Merkel is coming under intense pressure in Germany — which is set to take in up to 800,000 refugees this year, as she is facing a split within her own coalition over setting up transit zones, which one of her ally parties dubbed ‘concentration camps’.

Meanwhile, she is at odds with Horst Seehofer, chairman of the CSU and Minister-President of Bavaria over her refusal to put a cap on the number of refugees the country will take in as his state struggles to deal with the refugees swarming along the West Balkan route.

In the meantime, the EU’s Schengen area open borders policy lies in tatters, as border controls are imposed and lifted, while the Dublin agreement — that requires refugees to be processed at the point of entry into the Schengen area — has been all but torn up.

We agreed 17-point plan of operational measures to ensure people not left to fend for themselves in rain + cold

— Jean-Claude Juncker (@JunckerEU) October 25, 2015

The EU as a whole has failed to agree how to deal with the crisis, with Merkel and the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker calling for all the refugees to be relocated within EU member states according to a quota system, which many member states have rejected.

So far, of the 160,000 refugees adopted as part of the scheme, only 116 have so far been removed.

In a further example of the slow reaction to the crisis, European Parliament President Martin Schulz traveled to Athens and Lesbos Wednesday to be present for the departure of the first relocated refugees from Greece — just six families from Syria and Iraq — since the crisis began.

“Thirty in the face of thousands who have fled their homes in Syria and Iraq is a drop in the ocean,” Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras admitted.

European Council President Donald Tusk has called for a fifth EU summit on the migrant crisis — in Valletta, Malta on November 12 — after failing to get agreement on asylum policy at the last four held in Brussels — the first of which was in April.

#refugeecrisis: UK position remains fundamentally inadequate despite new pledges

— AmnestyUK Media Team (@NewsFromAmnesty) November 3, 2015

“If the migrant crisis is not adequately controlled as agreed at the summit in Brussels there is a possibility of conflict situations between the states of the Western Balkans,” Slovenian Prime Minister Miro Cerar told a news conference, echoing similar warnings from Merkel.

Jeremy Corbyn MP to speak at #RefugeesWelcome rally Wed 4 Nov FREE ticketed event: register:

— Stand Up To Racism (@AntiRacismDay) November 2, 2015

The London rally Wednesday will highlight the deep divisions — potentially very dangerous ones — that face Europe at the moment. The group Stand up to Racism, which is organizing the rally said that there is “no agreement on how to provide protection to many thousands still stranded in Hungary, Calais and other parts of the EU.

“With winter approaching, people are desperate.”


November 5, 2015 at 8:48 am

I’m telling you this Jeremy Corbyn is an opposame to take the limelight away from Nigel Farage, UKIP and anyone else who poses a real threat. Corbyn protects Jewish power and plots whilst giving the impression he’s doing the opposite. The Refugee crisis is a planned Tribe event in order to destroy Europe following the Kalergi Plan aka Practical Idealism of Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi.


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UK – Jeremy Corbyn condemns Sir Gerald Kaufman comments on ‘Jewish money’

November 4, 2015theunhivedmind One comment

UK – Jeremy Corbyn condemns Sir Gerald Kaufman comments on ‘Jewish money’


Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has called Sir Gerald Kaufman’s allegations about “Jewish money” influencing Conservative policy “unacceptable and deeply regrettable”.

Mr Corbyn said the comments, made by the veteran MP last week, were damaging to community relations.

Labour’s Chief Whip Rosie Winterton met Sir Gerald on Tuesday to discuss the remarks.

Following the meeting Mr Corbyn said: “Last week’s reported comments by Sir Gerald Kaufman about the Jewish community, the Conservative Party and Israel are completely unacceptable and deeply regrettable.

“Such remarks are damaging to community relations, and also do nothing to benefit the Palestinian cause.

“I have always implacably opposed all forms of racism, antisemitism and Islamophobia and will continue to do so. At my request, the Chief Whip has met Sir Gerald and expressed my deep concern.”

Sir Gerald, 85, had been criticised by fellow Jewish MPs and Jewish communal organisations, which had called for his party to take disciplinary action.

Board of Deputies president Jonathan Arkush said: “In light of Mr Corbyn’s response, which we welcome, we hope that the party will now act to impose disciplinary measures against Sir Gerald.”

Jewish Leadership Council chief executive Simon Johnson said: “The fact that Mr Corbyn has distanced himself from Sir Gerald’s despicable comments is in itself a welcome intervention.

“We await a response from the Chief Whip as to whether any further disciplinary action will be taken and, of course, if Sir Gerald will apologise.”

The Community Security Trust said it welcomed Mr Corbyn’s “expression of regret”, but called for it to be followed by “firm disciplinary action”.

A Labour spokeswoman was unable to comment on what disciplinary action the party might now take.

Speaking at a Palestine Return Centre event in Parliament last Tuesday, Sir Gerald was recorded by blogger David Collier saying that the British government had become more pro-Israel in recent years.

He said: “It’s Jewish money, Jewish donations to the Conservative Party – as in the general election in May – support from the Jewish Chronicle, all of those things, bias the Conservatives.”

Sir Gerald, Father of the House of Commons, then told the audience of 45 people that the Israeli government had made up the recent spate of violent attacks in order to allow it to “execute Palestinians”.

The Manchester Gorton MP said “a friend of mine who lives in East Jerusalem” had emailed him with the accusations about Israel fabricating the attacks.

Sir Gerald then read from the letter: “More than half the stabbing claims were definitely fabricated. The other half, some were true, the others there was no way to tell since they executed Palestinians and no one asked questions.”

The Board of Deputies, Jewish Leadership Council and Community Security Trust had led calls for Labour to take disciplinary action.

Eight Labour MPs had also signed a letter to Mr Corbyn and Ms Winterton, which asked the party that “formal disciplinary proceedings be instigated against Sir Gerald Kaufman”.

Parliamentarians including Tulip Siddiq, Wes Streeting and Louise Ellman attached their names to the letter, sent on behalf of the All-Party Parliamentary Group against Antisemitism, which called Sir Gerald’s comments “unacceptable, untrue and discriminatory.”


November 4, 2015 at 7:33 am

Corbyn is nothing more than controlled opposition designed to take away Nigel Farage’s limelight since the UKIP were very quickly becoming very strong. All eyes have to be moved from Farage and onto another pied piper. I don’t see UKIP with a Friends of Israel fork do you? Well look at Labour and Conservative and see they both do and that’s why they’re both the two main parties by force and corruption.


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