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Repost:  Oct. 17 2016

Hungary: Orbán is US billionaire Soros complicity in refugee crisis


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has the American billionaire and philanthropist George Soros for the current refugee movements in Europe jointly responsible. “This invasion (of migrants) on the one hand steered from the tractor business, on the other hand of those (human) activists who support everything that the nation-states weakens,” the right-wing conservative politicians said on state radio.

“This Western way of thinking and this activist network is perhaps the most represented by George Soros”, Orbán added. The from Hungary coming financial investor promotes with its foundations worldwide initiatives and groups who work for democracy and human rights. His Open Society Foundation (OSF) supported by Budapest also activists who help refugees.

Hungary until the mid of the month one of the transit countries for the refugees on the Balkan route. Since transfer to Orbán fences on the borders with Serbia and Croatia are, pull the migrants away from Hungary. Orbán had already driven a sharp xenophobic campaign. The OSF had the hate rhetoric of the Budapest Government and the foreclosure of borders to refugees repeatedly criticized.


October 31, 2015 at 5:30 am

Now you can see why the New Venice Zeusians detest Viktor Orban because he’s exposing and opposing their frauds and evils. For a while now you’ve noticed this website has been exposing George Soros as a puppetmaster of the current refugee crisis in Europe working towards the Kalergi Plan aka Practical Idealism. Much respect to Viktor Orban for telling the truth to the world. This refugee crisis is nothing more than a method of New Venice attempting to further subordinate Europe in a hope to stop Germany becoming independent and able to get energy from Russia to sustain an independent nation.


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