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Lasha Darkmoon

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Sept. 17, 2015

The destruction of Europe is on the cards.


Europe today, America tomorrow.

Sourced from the Daily Express

with an extensive endnote by Lasha Darkmoon

BRITAIN should continue accepting refugees until our services buckle under the pressure, a British MP has said.   



“20,000 migrants is NOT ENOUGH, 30,000 is NOT ENOUGH —


we must keep going until we are really at saturation point.”


Backbencher Rachael Maskell said Britons should just lie down and accept longer waits for hospital treatment and larger classes in schools in order to accommodate more Syrians and other migrants fleeing conflict overseas.

She attacked David Cameron’s plan to accept 20,000 more Syrians from refugee camps over the next five years as inadequate.

Her outburst, which came at a rally to support refugees held in her York Central constituency on Saturday, was branded “dangerously out of touch”.

She told the gathering:

“We need to shout so much more and say 20,000 is not enough, 30,000 is not enough. We will keep going until we hit our saturation point.

What does it matter if we have to wait another week for a hospital visit? Or if our class sizes are slightly bigger? Or if our city is slightly fuller? What does it matter if things are slightly more challenging? If we have to pay a little bit more into the system? Surely it is worth it to see those lives being restored again.”

In a bizarre contradiction, she took to Twitter to write today: “No one should wait for healthcare.”

“No one should wait for healthcare,


I’ve argued for better workforce planning for years.”

(3:38 PM – 14 Sep 2015)

A video of part of her speech published on the YouTube website today (see below) triggered a string of angry responses, with internet users describing her remarks as “daft” and “insane.”

Ms Maskell, who was first elected as an MP at the general election in May, claimed her comments had been “taken out of context.”

She said: “I am not saying ‘open the doors’ and everyone can come in. It has to be part of a controlled system. I am saying that we have to do more. I am talking about six refugees in each constituency; that really is the limit. We can all have a bit more compassion. If it was the other way round and we were in that desperate situation, we would expect somebody to show compassion to us.”

Jane Collins, Ukip MEP for Yorkshire, said:

“It matters a lot to hard working tax payers that they get the services they pay for and that their children get the best education possible. I do not want this country to accept unlimited numbers of migrants – and we must not be fooled into thinking they are all refugees – particularly as we have intelligence from the French authorities that Islamic State terrorists are already hiding out in the camps in Calais ready to wreak havoc on our country.”

Ms Maskell backed Labour frontbencher Andy Burnham in the party’s leadership election.

But at the weekend she hailed the victory of Left-winger Jeremy Corbyn in the contest as “amazing.”


More from the Daily Express : Britain must ban migrants


Lord Glasman, Ed Miliband’s chief policy guru, wants a temporary halt to immigration to ensure British people are first in the queue for jobs.

The Labour peer also urged the Government to renegotiate EU rules allowing the free movement of migrant workers in a decisive break with the open door policy of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown.

“The people who live here are the highest priority. We’ve got to listen and be with them. They’re in the right place – it’s us who are not,” he said. “Britain is not an outpost of the UN [United Nations]. We have to put the people in this country first.”

The peer believes that the previous Labour government’s backing for mass immigration from Eastern Europe helped undermine support among traditional Labour voters.

Last month the Daily Express reported that


nine out of 10 new jobs created in Britain go to migrants.




“We have to put the people in this country first. We’ve got to listen to them.”

Critics of mass immigration yesterday seized on the peer’s remarks as evidence that Labour was beginning to acknowledge the huge damage they caused by allowing more than 200,000 migrants a year into the UK.

The Daily Express was the first newspaper to highlight the potential dangers of allowing unrestricted migration.

And yesterday Tory MP Philip Hollobone said: “I don’t believe that freedom of movement across the countries of the EU is a good idea. I certainly feel we should break the link between people working here and the right to settle here. If the Labour Party is beginning to wake up to this, I think the Conservative Party should as well.”

UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage said: “He, like we, believes that there should always be the opportunity to invite people of drive and talent but to shut the gates to mass migration.”


UK Independence Party Leader Nigel Farage

“We must shut the gates to mass migration.”

LD:  British MP Rachael Maskell disagrees. She maintains we must go on accepting refugees until we reach “saturation point.” But she fails to distinguish between genuine refugees, fleeing death and persecution in their own lands, and economic migrants. She lumps them all together and assumes that ALL are “refugees”, i.e., desperate cases.

Watch this 42-second video clip:


This passage from a recently published article of mine, which had to be deleted for various reasons, will explain the complex situation and clarify some important points that have completely escaped the attention of the irresponsible and self-contradicting Miss Maskell:

Figures show that more than two-thirds of the migrants are men—healthy, able-bodied young men—more than half of them in the 18-34 year-old range. They are definitely NOT “desperate refugees”, nor are they fleeing war and persecution in their own lands. If they were, they would hardly leave their women and children behind to suffer persecution and death.

The available statistics themselves prove this. Less than a third of these migrants come from war zones: only 3 percent are Iraqis, 7 percent are Afghans, and 20 percent are Syrians. In the words of French political analyst Thierry Meyssan, from whom I borrow these statistics: all these so-called “refugees” are no more than “poor people who leave their own countries to try their luck in the rich countries.”

According to Meysann, even the 20 percent figure given for Syrian refugees (relatively high) is a cooked statistic. Far fewer Syrians are actually fleeing Syria. This is because there is a flourishing black market trade in false Syrian passports. These false passports, Meyssan maintains, are being handed out freely to all and sundry, many of them Al Qaeda militants posing as Syrian “rebels”. These false Syrian passports are being distributed by Qatar, NATO and the “Usual Suspects” in an attempt to destabilize Europe and alter its demography permanently.

The over-arching aim is an incredibly malicious one: to make the indigenous white Europeans a minority in their traditional homelands. Here we have the aim articulated in candid detail by Barbara Spectre,  Jewish activist for the destruction of Europe as we know it:


Let Meyssan take up the thread:

“At the start of the war against Syria, Qatar printed and distributed false Syrian passports to jihadists from al-Qaïda so that they could convince Atlantist journalists that they were “rebels” and not foreign mercenaries. False Syrian passports are today distributed by certain smugglers to non-Syrian migrants. The migrants who accept them rightly believe that these false papers will facilitate their welcome in the [European] Union.”

To this snippet of fascinating information, Meyssan adds an ominous note:

“Six months ago,” he reveals,  “I was astonished by the blindness of the EU leaders, who failed to understand that the intention of the United States was to weaken their countries, including by means of the “refugee crisis”.  

Finally, Meyssan points the finger of blame at NATO, which is not only America’s proxy army in Europe but is also, as many of us have begun to suspect, a tool of international Jewry. “NATO, or in other words the international armed branch of the United States,” Meyssan asserts, “has organised the present campaign.

That figures.

The United States, Israel, international Jewry, and America’s vassal states that do NATO’s bidding, are in fact all part of the same seamless web. They all push toward a one-world government and a world without borders or nationalities. The destruction of the white race in Europe, and then in North America, Australia and New Zealand, is the ultimate aim. It is not I who say this, nor is this a wild-eyed “conspiracy theory” I have conjured up out of thin air. Jewish activist Barbara Spectre (quoted above)  has already made clear the grim future our Jewish masters have planned for us. She is backed to the hilt by other Jews calling for white genocide—as the sinister specimen does below, a psychopath who openly advocates the burning of white children alive and  the rape and mutilation of white women: 

He who has eyes to see, let him see!