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Eyewitness : On the border with Austria, migrants attacked the bus with the Poles' These large powerful horde of savages

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Sept. 11, 2015

"Half an hour ago on the border of Italy and Austria with my own eyes I saw the huge hordes of migrants ... Despite the solidarity with people who are in a difficult situation, I must say that what I saw is appalling ... This mighty mass of people - sorry, I write that - but it is an absolute scam ... Throwing bottles, loud shouts of "We Want to Germany".....


I saw how they surrounded the car of an elderly Italian woman, dragged her by the hair out of the car and wanted to go on this machine. The bus in which I was with a group, tried to turn, throwing us shit, pounding on the door, opened the driver, spit on the glass ... I asked: "For what purpose? How does this game wants to assimilate into German?


These large powerful horde of savages ... Among them there were no women, no children - the vast majority of these were young men are aggressive ...


We had three hours for the border, through which, in the end, we did not pass. The entire group with help of police cordon was moved back to Italy. The bus is cut, smeared with feces, circle scratches, broken glass..


And it was around this biggest horror ... Of the several thousand people one did not understand Italian nor in English nor German, nor in Russian or in Spanish ... There reigned right of the strong ... They fought for agreeing to move on, even though this agreement was - but they did not understand what he has!

The bus of the French group of refugees pootkryvali luggage compartments - everything that was inside at the time it was stolen, some of the things lying on the ground ... Never in my short life I have not had the opportunity to watch these scenes and I have a feeling that this is just the beginning . At the end add that should help, but not at any price. "